Искаков Бахтияр Абуталипович

Искаков Бахтияр Абуталипович

Магистр естественных наук


Институт энергетики и машиностроения им. А. Буркитбаева

Email: b.iskakov@satbayev.111

Профессиональная биография

2012-2018 - КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, преподаватель

2018 - по настоящее время-Сатпаев Университет, Физико-технический институт, МНС


2010-2012 магистратура КазНУ им Аль-Фараби

2006-2010 бакалавр КазНУ им Аль-Фараби


1. M. Nassurlla, T.Kh. Sadykov, B.A. Iskakov, Y.M. Tautayev, K. Tastanova, M.B. Khabargeldina, A.I. Zhumabayev, A.D. Beisenova, A. Haungs, O.A. Novolodskaya, T. Idrisova, N.M. Salikhov. Creation of integrated system for registration radio emissions from high-energy extensive air showers at an altitude 3340 meters above sea level. Number 3_Vol.3 2019 

2. M. Nassurlla, T.Kh. Sadykov, B.A. Iskakov, M.B. Khabargeldina, A.I. Zhumabayev, A.D. Beisenova, A. Haungs, O.A. Novolodskaya, T. Idrisova, N.M. Salikhov. Investigation of radio-emission from extensive air shower at high mountain cosmic ray station at an altitude of 3340 m above sea level. Number 3_Vol.3 2019 

3. MUKASHEV, K. M. et al. Search for structures in the distribution of particles from the central area of wide atmospheric showers conducted on the Adron-55 installation. Physical Sciences and Technology, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 75-83, july 2019. ISSN 2409-6121. 4. B.A. Iskakov et al 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1337 012004

4.A. Kh. Argynova, B. Iskakov, V. V. Jukov, K. M. Mukashev, A. D. Muradov, V. V. Piskal, N. O. Saduyev, T. X. Sadykov, N. M. Salihov, A. S. Serikkanov, E. M. Tautaev, F. F. Umarov. The perspective fundamental cosmic rays physics and astrophysics investigations in the Tien Shan high-mountain scientific station. News of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. Volume 6, Number 438 (2019), 121 – 138.

5. BA Iskakov, YM Tautayev, TX Sadykov, AL Shepetov, NM Salikhov. The Development and creation of a software system for the monitoring system MAC1. International Journal of Mathematics and Physics. V10 (1) 2019.