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Student practice C&BM

Students in practice in the direction 6B07302 - "Construction Engineering":

In LLP "TemirBETON-1" students of Kazakh National Research Technical University named after Satpayev conducted static tests of structures and materials:

  • testing the compressive strength of concrete;
  • testing the strength of reinforcement;
  • determination of concrete strength by non-destructive methods;
  • determination of concrete strength by ultrasonic method;
  • determination of concrete strength by Schmidt's hammer.

Students in practice in 6B07305 - Transportation Engineering and 6B07118 - Transportation Structures:

Bachelor students 6B07305 - "Transport Construction" and 6B07118 "Transport Structures" pass industrial practice, make experiments on modern laboratory installations in the laboratory of the branch of RSE National Center for Quality of Road Assets in Almaty and collect data for diploma projects.

Students and master's students of the specialty "Construction" are not only engaged in scientific research, but also participate in the cultural and sports life of the university. For example, O. V. Popov is a member of the university basketball team. In 2005 he became the Silver medalist of the Universiade, and his fellow student Nadezhda Ivanovskaya became the Silver medalist of Kazakhstan in freestyle. Dauren Zhainatov is the champion of Kazakhstan in sambo, Silver medalist of Europe, champion of Asia, 4 times champion of the Universiade of Kazakhstan. The 3rd year student Nadirov E. is a member of the university volleyball team.

Graduates of construction specialty KazNITU in addition to knowledge and professional skills learn information technology, marketing, business administration, can also work in research, design and construction organizations, private enterprises and administrations, in enterprises of transport construction, design and construct buildings and structures of any complexity. In addition, passing military training on the military specialty VUS-210101 "Organization of construction and operation of buildings and structures of general military purpose", become officers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Department of "Construction and Building Materials" carries out three-level training of specialists in the direction - "Construction", "BIM - design", "Transportation Construction", "Transportation Structures" and "Production of building materials, products and structures".

Educational programs 6B07302 - "Construction Engineering" and 6B07311 - "BIM Design and Management in Construction" are focused on training bachelors in the field of design, construction and operation of industrial and civil facilities.

It also includes Educational program: 6B07312 - "Innovative production of building materials" focused on training in design and technology of production of building materials and products, it opens wide opportunities for future specialists of enterprises of building industry and building materials, design, research and other organizations.

The objectives of educational programs of the Department of "Construction and Construction Materials" formed on the basis of requests of the main consumers of the program, potential employers, are consistent with the mission of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, thus ensuring the needs of the labor market in accordance with the educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Taking into account the tasks of development of the national education system, industrial development of the RK, the level of competitiveness of the university and the existing distinctive features of the program, the following priority directions of development and tasks of implementation of educational programs implemented at the department are defined:

  • quality of higher education based on the development and implementation of requirements for the competencies of bachelors, corresponding to the needs of society and labor market;
  • objectivity and informativeness of the assessment of the final results of education;
  • new technologies of education: credit, distance, information and communication;
  • self-improvement and self-development, innovative thinking;
  • practical skills in construction;
  • competitive and competent specialist in the field of science and technology of the construction industry, both in the domestic labor market and internationally.  

The Department of "Construction and Building Materials" was and remains the flagship of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev.

Student practice

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