«Nurly Zher» program
«Нұрлы жер» state program on housing and community development was elaborated in the framework of Strategic development plan of Kazakhstan until 2025 approved by # 636 presidential decree dated February 15, 2018, according to # 27 RK President’s decree dated June 19, 2019 "About measures for implementing "Prosperity for all! Continuity. Justice. Progress" electoral program of RK President and proposals received during the nationwide campaign "Бірге". The program is aimed at improving the accessibility of housing for Kazakhstan’s citizens, depending on their social status and income.
The staff of NJS "KazNRTU named after K. Satpayev" who are participating in the program:
Akataeva Aliya Askarovna
Bapishev Akylbek Mirzabekovich
Kuldeeva Yelmira Makpalbayevna
Ibraimova Gulnur Talipovna