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Scientific projects of the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering department

The opening of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering was dictated by the accelerated pace of development of engineering biotechnology, the oil production and chemical industry of Kazakhstan, the chemistry and technology of hydrocarbon raw materials, the intensive development of new oil fields, the further development of chemical, biological and biochemical technologies, the widespread use of petrochemical and biotechnology products in various sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The department is actively conducting research work within the framework of grants and program-targeted funding, focused primarily on solving current problems in the field of creating new materials and technologies to improve the efficiency and environmental sustainability of industrial production. At the same time, based on the department, contractual projects from leading oil producing and oil refineries (Embamunaigas JSC, ANPZ LLP, PNHZ LLP, etc.) are being implemented, aimed at solving complex issues in the oil industry. The active participation of students (bachelor, master, doctoral) in the implementation of these research projects ensures their high qualifications, relevance and career growth. As a result of scientific research with the participation of students, undergraduates and doctoral students, the department regularly publishes works at international conferences, in domestic and foreign scientific journals.

Research projects carried out by the department for 2021-2025:


1. Rafikova Kh.S., PhD , AR19676664 Deep eutectic solvents for fuel desulfurization , 2023-2025

2. Boyko G.I., AR09260008 Activated aluminum as an alternative source of energy and hydrogen in solving complex environmental problems of the oil industry, 2021-2023

3.  Kosalbaev B.D. AP14869048 Construction of hup mutants of cyanobacteria and development of cultivation technology to increase the efficiency of hydrogen production 2022-2024

4. Kosalbaev B.D. AP13067574 Increasing the activity of hydrogen production by cyanobacteria strains using genetic engineering methods, 2022-2024

5.  Kerimkulova A.Zh., AR19680576 Development of a multifunctional wound-healing polymer composite material (PCM) with prolonged action for medical purposes, 2023-2024.

Commercialization project: Anapiyaev B.B. AR15573770 Industrial production of " Baldai " sweet sorghum syrup for multi-purpose use, 2022-2024:

R&D for Samruk-Kazyna LLP Ondeu ": Amitova A.A., No. 860403/2023/1 Development of technology for obtaining a complex humic preparation based on oxidized brown coals to increase soil fertility, 2023-2024

HD: Boyko G.I. No. Agreement No. 571756/2021/1 dated 06.22.2021 Athens Refinery: “Services for the purification of surface and groundwater, restoration of agrochemical indicators of the soils of the evaporation pond of Athens Refinery LLP using activated aluminum alloys and its complexes with organic compounds and organomineral biofertilizers long- acting".

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