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Scientific projects of the university

The most important achievements of KazNRTU named after K. Satbayev are scientific technologies introduced into production.

The main areas of research are promising and socially significant areas of science, techniques and technology development:

  • information and telecommunications systems
  • chemical technology
  • nano systems and materials industry
  • energy and energy saving
  • environmental management
  • oil and mineral extraction.

The priority tasks of the work are obtaining new knowledge; creating partnership mechanisms necessary for creating and commercializing the domestic technologies; improving financial support system for innovation; developing scientific, technical and intellectual potential, and a number of other important issues in developing the economy’s innovative sphere.

KazNRTU named after K. Satbayev is the leader of innovative scientific research in the country, scientists and teachers publish articles in leading world journals, and the amount of inventions, patents and author's certificates is growing. University works in close cooperation with production and creates fundamental and practical ideas that solve current problems of economic entities.

University researchers are highly valued in the country's labor market and receive high praise and recognition at prestigious symposiums and conferences abroad. They actively develop new branches of knowledge and technology, and work to implement its results in production in accordance with the innovation chain, which allows them to accompany the growth of scientific and technical research from ideas to their implementation.

University plans scientific work for years to come, linking its future with the coming third industrial revolution.

АР22684027 «Development and research of innovative technology and technique for increasing energy efficiency of technological machines with heavy rotor in starting modes»
AP22686732 «Improving the efficiency of the fractionation process of spent drilling fluids of technological wells for disposal using dispersing devices»
AP23489685 "Development of a digital method for monitoring defects and characteristics of intra-quarry technological roads during open-pit mining of mineral deposits"
AP19178659 Study of the lattice dynamics of antimony selenide using vibrational spectroscopy
AP19679937 Synthesis and properties of cellulose nanoparticles and hybrid gels based on alginates with tetracycline/CuO nanoparticles (2023-2025)
AP19577049 Synthesis, characterization and physicochemical study of sorbents of biomass origin for purification of industrial waters from radionuclides
Development of design and estimate documentation for prospecting and exploration works to provide groundwater reserves for 13 villages of Turkestan, Zhabmyl and Almaty regions
Scientific and methodological substantiation of the criteria for the breakthrough hazard of moraine-glacial lakes and assessment of the degree of potential risk from their breakthroughs
Assessment of operational reserves of drainage waters of the Aktogay copper-porphyry deposit in the Ayagoz district of the East Kazakhstan region
Hydrogeological additional study engineering-geological and geoecological studies
Potential for Geothermal Energy Production (GGE), Energy Storage (NE), and Carbon Storage and Sequestration (CSS) in Kazakhstan Sedimentary Basins
Tectonic and geodynamic analysis of Paleozoic – Proterozoic deposits of the Akshabulak deposit
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