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Testing laboratory "Operation of machines and automation of industrial complexes"

The laboratory "Operation of machines and automation of industrial complexes" was created in order to implement the program "State program of industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2 (SPIID-2)" of the department "Technological machines and equipment" on the basis of the order of 17.05.2017, №220-O. It is a structural subdivision of the NJSC «Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev».

The laboratory was created for the purpose of organizing the testing process in accordance with the educational programs for training masters in the program of SPIID-2.

Main activity:

- development of software for modeling technological processes of Hydra and pneumatic drives Mining machines and stationary installations (MMSI);

- solving resource-intensive computing technological problems in mechanical engineering;

 the use of innovative computer technologies in engineering and research manual for MMSI;

- creation of 3D models in multimedia and virtual reality systems for hydro and pneumatic drives of MMSI;

- the development of cloud technology for remote access to resources TL OMAIC. 

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