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The Academic Council

The Academic Council is a form of collegial management of KazNRTU, created to make decisions on the problems of the university development, its educational and scientific activities, international cooperation. Also, the competence of the Academic Council includes presentation for academic titles, state and departmental awards.

In its activities the Academic Council is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, resolutions and decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, normative documents of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Statute of KazNITU, the Regulations on the Academic Council of KazNITU, other internal normative documents of the University.

The composition of the Academic Council ex officio includes the rector, who is its chairman, vice-rectors, directors of specialized institutes. Other members of the Academic Council from among employees of structural subdivisions of KazNRTU, its subsidiaries, as well as from among students are elected at the general meeting of the staff of the relevant structural unit. The composition of the Academic Council is approved by order of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the University. The term of office of the Academic Council is 3 years. In case of dismissal of a member of the Academic Council, he or she automatically resigns from the composition of the Academic Council.

The Academic Council organizes its work on the basis of the approved work plan for the academic year.


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