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Department of Kazakh and Russian languages

Department history

1970 – formation of the department of Russian language;

1976 – division of the department into two parts: Department of the Russian language for students of Kazakh groups and Department of the Russian language for foreign students;

1990 – formation of the Kazakh language department;

1992 – joining the department of the Russian language to the department of foreign languages;

1998 – joining the department of the Kazakh language;

2000 – separation of the department of Russian language as a distinct;

2016 – formation of the department of Kazakh and Russian Languages.

The head of the department is Uderbaev A.Zh.


  • to provide high-quality educational services in accordance with national and international educational standards;
  • to organize research activities of teachers in order to enhance their professional competence;
  • to develop students’ intellectual and creative abilities, critical thinking, independence of judgment and academic honesty;
  • to foster active citizenship and patriotic feelings.


  • to organize level-by-level training of Kazakh and Russian languages;
  • to use innovative educational technologies, advanced techniques and active forms of learning in the educational process;
  • to develop and refine students’ linguistic and communicative competences within the major spheres of speech activity: social, socio-political, socio-cultural, educational and vocational;
  • to establish elective courses in order to increase amount of educational programs;
  • to promote the research environment and organize innovative activities of students;
  • to organize the advisory work for students’ adaptation to study at the university and nurture their moral and professional qualities;
  • to organize of educational work in order to create conditions for the harmonious development of the student as an individual, capable of self-realization and successful adaptation in society, as well as the development of moral and business qualities.


  • department’s participation in the training of highly qualified, competitive specialists capable to demonstrate high level of acquired knowledge, professional skills and possessing high moral qualities;
  • department’s participation in the process of providing the university with a high status and world class.


  • improving the organization of department’s work in order to create the most comfortable environment for effective creative and professional activities of the teaching staff;
  • strengthening the competitive position of the department;
  • providing high quality methodological educational services in accordance with national and international educational standards;
  • development of students' research abilities, focusing on meeting their contemporary educational and intellectual needs;
  • invention and implementation of modern innovative educational programs and technologies in educational activities, enhancement of content and teaching methods;
  • a stable connection between educational, creative, scientific and productive purpuses in the activities of the department.

KRLD employs qualified scholars and teachers, 2 of them are doctors of sciences, 3 PhD,  18 candidates of sciences, 2 doctoral students, 8 masters of sciences and 6 teachers with great pedagogical experience.

Department disciplines  

Since 2016-2017 academic year, the department has introduced a level-by-level teaching of Kazakh and Russian in accordance with Concept of Language Education of Kazakhstan. Diagnostic test promotes in revealing students’ language level for their further allocation into groups.

To ascertain proficiency level of Kazakh / Russian language ​​at the beginning of academic year, students undergo free written online test on the university website and pass the oral interview in offices assigned to the department of Kazakh and Russian Languages.

For Russian department students the following subjects are taught: 

  • Elementary Kazakh language (A1),
  • Basic Kazakh language (А2),
  • Academic Kazakh language (В1),
  • Business Kazakh language (В2),
  • Kazakh language. Culture of business communication (С1),
  • Kazakh language. Rhetoric (Basics of Oratory – С1),
  • Academic writing (С1).

As for Kazakh department students:

  • Elementary Russian (A1),
  • Basic Russian (А2),
  • Academic Russian (В1),
  • Advanced Russian (В2),
  • Business Russian (С1),
  • Rhetoric (Basics of Oratory – С1),
  • Academic writing (С1).

“Kazakh language (in Latin)” elective course was prepared; the given one refers to special projects implementation in connection with Kazakh alphabet transition to the Latin one (2 credits).

The department organized the Kazakh language course (2 credits) for Satbayev University Military department teachers as well. 

Scientific and methodological workshop of KRLD

Every year the department conducts scientific linguistic seminars and educational and methodological trainings for teachers. The purpose of linguistic seminars is to discuss current problems and achievements of modern linguistics, allowing to improve the scientific qualifications of teachers in matters of the methodology of modern linguistics, its role and place in the system of modern scientific paradigms. The purpose of educational and methodological trainings is to familiarize teachers with modern educational technologies when teaching languages, allowing them to improve the methodological qualifications of teachers in the use of innovative technologies in classes of a new teaching format in accordance with the requirements of modern education.

International cooperation

Agreement of intent was concluded with KazNRTU and Hanguk University of Foreign Languages (Seoul, Korea), Memorandum of Cooperation with KazNRTU and Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia); Memorandum of mutual cooperation with the Baitursynov A. Institute of Linguistics KN MES RK; Agreement on cooperation in the field of science and education with the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz (Republic of Uzbekistan); Agreement on scientific and educational cooperation with the educational institution “Gomel State University named after Francis Skorina” (Republic of Belarus).

The department has academic connections with the departments of Kazakh and Russian languages of other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as with the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication named after. Leo Tolstoy Kazan Federal University (Tatarstan), with the Institute of Linguistics named after. Nasimi, with Azerbaijan Technical University (Republic of Azerbaijan), Istanbul University (Turkey).

Professor K.B. Zhaksylykova is a member of Methodological and terminological group under RK National Commission for State Program implementation on phased transition of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin script; also, she is a member of REMC EMA at KazUIRWL named after Abylaikhan; a member of “Herald” editorial board of KSPU named after U. Sultangazin.

The work of clubs

Three clubs operate on the basis of the department: a cognitive club «Semser» for Russian department students, "In principio erat verbum" club for Kazakh department students, and reading club “Közqaras”, the members of which are first-year students.


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