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Department of Mining

The history of the Mining department is inextricably linked with the opening of the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute in Almaty in 1934, where specialists in geological exploration and hydrogeologists were trained. The following year, the specialty was opened – mining  of ore deposits, and in 1936 - the specialty metallurgy of non-ferrous metals.

A. Burkitbayev was appointed as the first director of the Institute, who invited many gifted teachers of that time to the institute. The institute received a new round of development during the Great Patriotic War. There was a merger of KazMMI and the Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, evacuated to Alma-Ata. Naturally, there were major structural changes at the institute, new departments and specialties were opened. The importance of mining in the USSR, namely, in Kazakhstan, which has the richest resources of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals, has also increased.

The institute prepared 512 engineers trained in eight specialties during the war years.   

KazMMI was a large educational and scientific center by the end of the 50s, by the time of its twenty-fifth anniversary. Engineers were trained here in 12 leading specialties - geological exploration, mining, metallurgy and construction.   

The number of full-time students exceeded 1800. Around 160 professors and teachers worked at 30 departments of the Institute, including two academicians and six professors - doctors of sciences.

KazMMI was transformed into the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in 1960. The priority in the institute's activities remained the preparation of geological engineers, miners and metallurgists.

Scientific research was constantly carried out at the institute in parallel with the educational process, both among the teaching staff and among students.   

Agreements were concluded with mining enterprises to carry out research and development work. The main part of the faculty of the Institute was involved in carrying out these works. The work was led, as a rule, by the most experienced, reputable scientists.

The Institute had connections with more than a hundred enterprises in the country. Problematic issues of production were solved together with scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan and the Institute of Mining. The result of joint work was new methods of mining mineral deposits in Kazakhstan, the introduction of new technologies at mining enterprises, etc.   

The presence of reputable scientists allowed KazPTI to conduct extensive training of young researchers through postgraduate studies. 

Scientific and pedagogical staff of KazPTI were the authors of numerous monographs, author's certificates, articles, textbooks.   

Student science was also developing. They solved various practical and theoretical problems, and instilled scientific thinking skills under the guidance of experienced teachers. The most active students took part in various student scientific and technical conferences.

KazPTI was transformed into the K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University for high achievements in the field of education in 1994, by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

KazNTU merged with the Kazakh-British University in 2015.

The name of the department has repeatedly changed, and the number of trained specialists has increased since the opening of the Department of Mining in 1935. The first head of the Department of Mining was Professor G.V. Klyuchansky, a well–known scientist in the field of mining in the country. The department began to train technologists for mining of coal deposits in 1947. The department was named the "Department of Technology and Integrated Mechanization of Mining" in 1961. The chair of department was A.S. Popov until 1964, and from 1964 to 1980, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.A. Baikonurov took the lead of the department.   

The department of TRM was divided in 1988. Specialists in open-pit mining began to be trained at the Department of "Open-pit Mining". The head of the department until 2016 was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan B.R. Rakishev.   

There was a natural integration of the departments of "Open-pit mining", "Underground mining" and "Rock destruction by explosion and mine construction" into a single department of "Mining" in 2016. Thus, since 1936, the history of the mining department has been inextricably linked with prominent scientists of the Soviet period of development.     In front of the newly organized Department of Mining, which was headed by Ph.D., Professor K.B. Rysbekov (now Director of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O. Baikonur, which includes the Department of Mining), the tasks were set to strengthen the inextricable links between former related departments that prepare bachelors, masters, PhD doctors in related fields of training, improve the educational process and produce qualified personnel that meet the requirements of a modern dynamically developing economy with increasing competition in the mineral raw materials market.

The department maintains close international relations with universities in different countries just like the institute. The result of close creative international relations is the wide participation of the faculty of the Institute in International scientific conferences, symposiums, congresses, and international trips for internships.   

A doctor of science has been appointed as the chair of the department on a competitive basis starting from the 2020-2021 academic year, Professor Moldabayev S.K. Department has already set the goal of raising the prestige of the mining profession through increasing the competitiveness of graduates of the educational program "Mining Engineering" at the present stage of development of mining and metallurgical and fuel and energy complexes, non-metallic construction materials.

The Scientific Research Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnologies of the Mining Department was opened at the auditorium MMB 124 in the year of the 90th anniversary of Satbayev University and the 90th anniversary of a prominent scientist, teacher, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of the country, Honorary Rector of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bayan Rakishev. The universal servo-hydraulic UCT-1000 system for uniaxial compression with the GCTS sample preparation department (USA) was acquired within the framework of grant No. AR15573240 on the topic "Implementation of the method of intensification of mining operations with steep-slope layers in the project of open-pit mining of deep-lying ore deposits", the most promising projects for commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (scientific supervisor Moldabaev S.K.). The business partner was one of the leading mining enterprises – ERG, JSC Sokolovsk-Sarbay Mining and Processing Production Association. The UCT-1000 is equipped with a digital servo controller and a SCON-1400 data acquisition system with wireless data transmission. The servo controller provides real-time interaction with any connected sensors or calculated input data. Obtaining high-quality test samples is provided through the RCD-250 core drilling machine, RLS-100 rock cutting machine, RSG-500 face grinding machine, RFG-100 flatness sensor.

Further strengthening of the material and technical base of the department will be achieved through the creation of MMC Innovative Engineering Center within the scope of the program No.BR21881939 "Development of resource-saving energy-generating technologies for the mining and metallurgical complex and the creation of an innovative engineering center" (Program manager Begentayev M.M., Scientific supervisor Rysbekov K.B.). ERG company also acted as an investor here through ERG Scientific Research Engineering Center LLP by co-financing the program. An automated servo-hydraulic system RPS-200 for testing rocks in conditions of independent triaxial compression was ordered from GCTS (USA) through Novatest Kazakhstan LLP for the laboratory of geomechanics and geotechnologies at the end of 2023. The final retrofitting of the laboratory is planned through the ISU with the acquisition of the universal automated servo-hydraulic system RTR-5500 for testing rocks under three-axis compression with an automatic stabilometer and dynamic loading drive, as well as the VIC-3D Deformed State Analysis System for working with static and dynamic applications from Correlated Solutions Inc. The direct assessment of the stress-strain state of rock massifs on both generalized layered and sectoral geomechanical models along the entire perimeter is carried out through a calculation station with 128 GB RAM and a multi-core processor of the latest generation, which has a complete Rocscience package consisting of 16 software products.

All members of the Department of Mining has PhD degrees, completion of advanced training courses, acquisition of integrated information systems (core Geovia Surpac, AutoCAD) and RS2, RS3, conclusion of licensing agreements for 12 workplaces with Dezwik, Micromine, RPM Global, VentSim, Netpromine allowed to introduce into the educational process such disciplines as integrated information systems in mining and numerical 3D modeling of geomechanical processes.

The department is also equipped with instruments, equipment, operating models of equipment and technologies used in the educational process for the preparation of bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students. Outdated equipment is constantly being updated by the university and sponsors – mining enterprises.

Goals and objectives

The Mining Department trains bachelors, undergraduates and PhD students in three educational trajectories: "Mine and underground construction", "Open-pit mining" and "Underground mining". Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yussupov K.A., based on the results of scientific research, organized the training of geotechnologists on underground borehole leaching of uranium in recent years. The traditions and accumulated experience that have developed over many years make it possible to train in-demand specialists for the mining industry of Kazakhstan.

Tasks of the department:

• Development of conceptual foundations for the preparation of bachelors, undergraduates and PhD doctoral students in educational programs "Mining Engineering";

• Improvement of the educational system based on the introduction of modern educational technologies and techniques into the educational process;

• Development of basic methodological materials of disciplines and their placement on the KazNRTU portal;

• Organization of methodological seminars for teachers and analysis of teaching quality (teaching technology, methodological requirements, visual aids, use of software information systems, multimedia teaching tools, etc.);

• Assistance in the integration of the educational process with science and production, taking into account the relevance of the educational program;

• Monitoring and analysis of employers' needs, graduates' satisfaction with the quality of their education;

• Consideration of issues of further prospects for the development of the specialty;

• Systematic improvement of educational and methodological support of educational institutions;

• Expansion of practical training of students at mining enterprises and research institutes of the Republic;

• Purposeful creation of conditions for scientific research at the department;

• Involvement of teaching staff and students in initiative, state-funded and contractual research, including commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities;

• Formation of the scientific school of the leading teaching staff of the department;

• Increasing the number of students enrolled in the master's program to 30 annually, and up to 10 students enrolled in the PhD program.

• Two-degree training of graduates of postgraduate education with leading universities in the world.

Participation of teachers in scientific competitions, prizes and awards

In 2022-2023, the award "Best Researcher" was awarded to Moldabaev Serik and received the academic titles of associate professor Almenov Talgat, Kuttybaev Aidar, Aben Yerbolat, Akhmetkanov Dalelkhan.

Mission and strategy

Training of competitive highly qualified personnel of a new generation in the field of mining, in demand in the labor market, designed to carry out state programs aimed at digitalization of mines and industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, possessing sufficient socio-personal, organizational and managerial, professional, special technical knowledge and able to carry out functional duties for work at industrial enterprises and organizations the mining industry of the country.

In the 2022-2023 academic year concluded the following international memoranda and cooperation agreements:

1. A cooperation agreement has been concluded with the Freiberg Mining Academy (Germany).

3. A cooperation agreement has been concluded with the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;

4. A Memorandum was signed with Ferghana Polytechnic Institute;

5. A Memorandum was signed with the Nukus Mining Institute;

6. A framework agreement on cooperation was concluded with the Almalyk branch of the Tashkent State Technical University named after I. Karimov, dated 04/26/2022.

The activities of the department are organized in accordance with the stated mission, goals and objectives, as well as the strategic development plan of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev and aimed at their implementation.

Our students and undergraduates have the opportunity to undergo practical training and improve their professional skills at the following enterprises:

1. Memorandum of Cooperation No.08-33/19u dated 08/22/2022, Antal LLP;

2. Memorandum of Cooperation No.03-03/19u dated 03/01/2022, LLP NPP Interrin;

3. Contract agreement No. 539 dated 07.10.2021 JSC Sokolovsko-Sarbayskoye Mining and Processing Production Association;

4. Contract agreement No. 764 dated 08.11.2021 of the D.A. Kunaev Institute of Mining;

5. Contract agreement No. 1-22/06 dated 06/23/2022, ABER mining LLP;

6. Contract agreement No.16-11/4/10/1060 dated 05/12/2016 JSC TNK Kazchrome;

7. Contract agreement No.18/18u dated 04/26/2018, JSC "AK Altynalmas" Almaty;

8. Contract agreement No. 640 dated 10/22/2021 Almatymetrokurylys JSC;

9. Contract agreement No. B1710-1909/73-026116 dated 11/9/2017, Kazakhmys Corporation LLP;

10. Contract agreement No. 686 dated 01.11.2021 KAZPHOSPHATE LLP;

11. Agreement dated 2023 on a permanent basis KAZ Minerals LLP.



Moldabayev Serik
Head of the Department
ГМК 234
+7 727 320 41 89

Instagram kafedra_gornoe_delo

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