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Research activities of the MMP Department

For many years, the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing (MMP) has been the leader in terms of funding for Research and Development work (RDW) at the University.

The RDW involves faculty and engineering staff of the department, as well as bachelor's, master's and doctoral students. The main funded RDW topics of the MMP Department in 2024 include the development of technologies: intensification of the process of in-situ in-situ uranium leaching by bioactivation of leaching solutions; complex extraction of noble and rare-earth metals in uranium mining; design of new biomaterials based on silk fibroin with film-forming properties; colloidal-chemical approach to the creation of antiturbulent materials based on surfactants with nanoparticles for oil pipelines; production of new alloys from accumulated substandard multi-component chromium-, manganese-containing wastes using Big Data; research into the possibility of zinc production by utilization of arsenic from spent solutions of lead dust processing by nanomembrane method; integrated enrichment and processing of refractory gold-bearing raw materials of Aktobe deposit; research and development of technology and equipment for electrodialysis of tungstate and sodium sulfate solutions with alkali and acid regeneration; integrated processing of multi-component zinc and manganese-containing wastes; integrated processing of tungstate and sodium sulfate solutions with alkali and acid regeneration; integrated processing of tungstate and sodium sulfate solutions with alkali and acid regeneration; utilization of zinc dust from steelmaking operations to produce marketable products; natural gas-based bioprotein production; processing of copper-containing tailings using intensive leaching technology; beneficiation of oxidized polymetallic ore using gravity and flotation methods; integrated processing of copper production slags.


The results of RDW are acts of implementation of RDW results in the educational process, articles in domestic and foreign journals, patents. Students, masters, doctoral students and faculty members participate in various conferences and exhibitions.

At the MMP Department in 2021, 3 projects were carried out within the framework of grant funding, the volume of RDW funding amounted to 94 215 263 tenge, of which 35 177 000 tenge (7 projects) accounted for the share of contractual works.

In 2022, 7 projects were carried out under grant financing, the volume of RDW financing amounted to 227 751 600 tenge, of which more than 78 million tenge (7 projects) accounted for the share of contractual works.

In 2023, the Department of MMP carried out 12 projects in the framework of grant and program-targeted funding, the total amount of funding for research and development was 994 990 030,53 tg, with contractual topics in the amount of – 32 200 000 tg, postdoctoral studies – 7 978 912 tg, commercialization – 246 500 000 tg.

Project commercialization

In December 2022 won a grant for commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity on the theme: "Production of bioprotein on the basis of natural gas" Contract № 55 from 09.12.2022 for a total amount of 210 000 000 tenge for 2022-2024. Scientific supervisor: Professor-researcher of MMP Department, c.t.s. Bektai E.K.

Also, in November 2023 won a grant for commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity on the theme: "Processing of copper-containing tailings by intensive leaching technology" for a total amount of 350 000 000 tenge for 2023-2025. Contract No. 82 dated 06.11.2023 Scientific supervisor: Professor-researcher of MMP department, Candidate of Technical Sciences c.t.s. Bektai E.K.

In total, the MMP Department is currently implementing 2 commercialization projects for a total amount of 560 000 000 tenge.


Projects of the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing in 2024:


1. AP14870189    «Intensification of the process of underground borehole leaching of uranium by bioactivation of leaching solutions» – the scientific director of the project, Candidate of Technical Sciences Turysbekova G.

2. AP14870070    «Development of technology for complex extraction of precious and rare earth metals in uranium mining» – the scientific director of the project, Candidate of Technical Sciences Bektai E.

3. AP14869304 «Design of new biomaterials based on silk fibroin with film-forming properties» – the scientific director of the project PhD doctor, Associate Professor Sharipova А.

4. AP13068028 «Colloidal chemical approach to the creation of anti-turbulent materials based on surfactants with nanoparticles for oil pipelines» – the scientific director of the project PhD doctor, Associate Professor Sharipova А.

5. AP19576391 «Development of an innovative technology for obtaining new alloys from accumulated substandard multicomponent chromium and manganese containing waste using Big Data» – the scientific director of the project PhD doctor Tazhiev E.B.

6. AP15473265 «Investigation of the possibility of obtaining zinc by recycling arsenic from waste solutions of lead dust processing by the nanomembrane method» – the scientific director of the project PhD Doctor Altaybaev B.

7. AP19680182 «Development of an effective technology for complex enrichment and processing of persistent gold-bearing raw materials of the Aktobe deposit» – the scientific director of the project Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Barmenshinova M.B.

8. AP19677216 «Research and development of technology and equipment for electrodialysis of solutions of tungstate and sodium sulfate with alkali and acid regeneration» – the scientific director of the project Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Baimbetov B.

9. AP19676951 «Development of a resource-saving, combined technology for complex processing of multicomponent dust of non-ferrous metallurgy to produce commercial products» – the scientific director of the project Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Dosmukhamedov N.

10. AP19679572 «Development of a new technology for recycling zinc dust from steelmaking plants to produce commercial products» – the scientific director of the project PhD doctor Koishina G.

11. АР15573569 «Production of protein based on natural gas» – the scientific director of the project Candidate of Technical Sciences Bektai E.

12. DP21681631 «Processing of copper-containing tailings using intensive leaching technology» – the scientific director of the project Candidate of Technical Sciences Bektai E.

13. Conducting laboratory, large-scale laboratory and semi-industrial tests of the developed technologies for the enrichment of mineral and man-made raw materials by gravitational, flotation, magnetic enrichment methods; providing services for the study of physical and mechanical properties of ore (specific gravity and bulk weight; Protodiakonov fortress; Bond indices) and opening a Laboratory for ore enrichment – the scientific supervisor of the task Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Barmenshinova M.

14. Pyro- and hydrometallurgical processing of ores, industrial products and waste from processing and metallurgical industries using roasting, smelting, heap and agitation leaching, sorption method of processing solutions and the opening of a Laboratory of pyro- and hydrometallurgical research methods – the scientific supervisor of the task is PhD doctor Tazhiev E.

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