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Legal Support Sector

The Legal Support Sector (hereinafter referred to as the Sector) is a structural subdivision of the Legal Support and Public Procurement Department of the Kazakh National Research Technical University K.I. Satpayev (hereinafter referred to as the University or KazNRTU).

The staff of the Sector consists of a manager, chief legal advisers, a leading legal adviser, and a legal adviser. The division of responsibilities between the employees of the Sector is carried out by the head of the Sector in accordance with the workload of the Sector, the volume of work and job descriptions. The Sector is headed by the head of the Sector, who is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position on the proposal of an authorized person in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation and internal regulatory documents. In its activities, the Sector reports to the Head of the Department of Legal Support and Public Procurement.

  • The activity of the Sector is regulated by:
  • Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30.08.1995;
  • Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23.11.2015, No. 414-V;
  • By the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" dated 27.07.2007, No. 319-lll ZRK;
  • By the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science" dated 18.02.2011, No. 407-lV;
  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption" dated 18.11.2015, No. 410-V;
  • By the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated 11.07.1997., No. 151;
  • By the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Property" dated 01.03.2011, No. 413-IV
  • By the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint-Stock Companies" dated 13.05.2003, No. 415-II
  • By the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Non-profit organizations" dated 16.01.2001., No. 142-II
  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Architectural, Urban planning and construction activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated 16.07.2001, No. 242-II
  • By the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Permits and Notifications" dated 16.05.2014, No.202-V
  • Legislative and other regulatory legal acts regulating production and economic and financial and economic activities.
  • The Charter of the NAO "Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev", approved by the order of the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02/16/2021, No. 57.

The purpose of the sector is:

  • organization of effective legal and documentation support of the University's activities;
  • protection of the rights and legitimate interests of KazNITU by legal means.
  • To fulfill the task of ensuring compliance with the rule of law, the following functions are assigned to the sector:
  • representation of the interests of the University in court, as well as in other state bodies and organizations when considering legal issues in accordance with the established procedure;
  • preparation of draft decisions of the Board, orders, orders of contracts, internal regulatory documents of the University on the profile of the Sector's activities, submitting them for approval and approval in accordance with the established procedure;
  • legal examination of draft orders, orders, contracts, internal regulatory documents prepared by other structural units, by way of approval or writing a corresponding legal opinion;
  • organization and conduct of claim and claim work on the basis of representations of structural divisions of the University;
  • providing consultations, explanations and opinions on legal issues at the request of the management of KazNITU; sending information materials on current legislation and practice, participation in the consideration of complaints, joining the commissions for the consideration of relevant appeals;
  • legal support of the public procurement process, the work of the competition commission for the selection of teaching staff, the disciplinary commission, other commissions and business processes;
  • interaction with subsidiaries on legal issues.


1 Head of Department: in/n 72-16, office. 214 NC;

2. General Counsel: in/n 72-16, room 214 of the Tax Code;

Z. General Counsel, Legal Counsel: in/n 72-84, room 216 of the Tax Code.

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