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Official Symbols of Satbayev University


The university was named after academician Kanysh Imantayevich Satpayev in 1999. Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev received the name Satbayev University with a corresponding change in logo and corporate identity in 2017.

Логотип Satbayev University The logo of the updated Satbayev University harmonizes with the image of the opened book with scientific writings. The use of the heraldic figure of the shield and ethnic elements in the logo represents strength and stability, reliability and relevance at all times.

Mobius strip was approved as one of the symbols of Satbayev University on December 9, 2003. This figure has been known since ancient times,Scythians and Sakas of Asia depicted animals - "Changeling" in the form of a one-sided sheet. Then the Arabs introduced the sign to Europe. Mathematically, it was described by the German scientist Mobius. The modern interpretation of the “Mobius Strip Satbayev University” was proposed by the famous architect, university graduate Saken Narynov.

Satbayev University flag is a white banner with the university logo in the middle. White color was chosen as a symbol of purity, faith in the future, improvement and development. The blue color of the ornament is a symbol of general well-being, tranquility, peace and unity. National ornament reflects the status of the university.

The anthem Satbayev University was created by Ulykpan Sadykov in collaboration with Dosym Suleev, Murat and Daniyar Kusainov. It is dedicated to striving forward and upward and fulfilling dreams, and instills hope and faith in young hearts that have made the right choice.

Satbayev University tradition

Lyrics: Ulugpan Sydykov

Song: Murat Kusainov, Dosym Suleev, Daniyar Kusainov

Зерделі білім ордасы,

Елдің даңқын көкке асырған.

Жастар мен өнер-білімжол басы,

Алдымнан бақ боп ашылған.

Кен ашып дархан даламнан,

Сыр тартатын тылсым қашықтан.

Маманбыз, ҚазҰТУ-дан нәралған,

Үмітпен алға асыққан.



Алаулаған арманым,

Қанаттанып өзіңнен,

Болашаққа самғадым.

Жалынды жасшағым,

Арайланған ақтаңым,

Құшағыңнан қуат ап,

Өмір жолын бастадым,


Тамырын жайып жататын,

Ізгілік нұрсәуле шашатын.

Ғылымның даңғыл жолын ашатын,

ҚазҰТУ мәңгі жасасын.

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