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Scientific projects of the HE&OGG department

Reconstruction of the thermobaric conditions of the evolution of the subsurface based on studies of liquid inclusions in rock crystals of the Upper Paleozoic deposits of the East of the Caspian syneclise

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Tectonic and geodynamic analysis of Paleozoic – Proterozoic deposits of the Akshabulak deposit

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Potential for Geothermal Energy Production (GGE), Energy Storage (NE), and Carbon Storage and Sequestration (CSS) in Kazakhstan Sedimentary Basins

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Hydrogeological additional study engineering-geological and geoecological studies on a scale of 1:200,000 on the area of sheets N-41-XIV, XX, XXV, XXVI, N-41-XVIII, N-42-XIII, M-44-XVII, M-44-XVIII, M-44-XXIII, M-43-III, K-44-II, III, K-42-XVII, (North Kazakhstan region, East Kazakhstan region, South Kazakhstan region)

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Assessment of operational reserves of drainage waters of the Aktogay copper-porphyry deposit in the Ayagoz district of the East Kazakhstan region

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Scientific and methodological substantiation of the criteria for the breakthrough hazard of moraine-glacial lakes and assessment of the degree of potential risk from their breakthroughs

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Development of design and estimate documentation for prospecting and exploration works to provide groundwater reserves for 13 villages of Turkestan, Zhabmyl and Almaty regions

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