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Office Provost

Office Provost (hereinafter referred to as OР) is an academic service that registers the entire history of student's academic achievements and ensures the organization of all types of knowledge control and calculation of his academic rating. OР, based on the strategy and mission of the University, is in constant transformation towards the creation of a highly efficient department that fully uses automation and digitalization tools for work processes.

The OР tries to adhere to the following principles in its activities:

  • customer orientation;
  • high-quality performance of functions;
  • maximum transparency in the work;
  • timely completion of assigned tasks.

The purpose of the OР is to organize and monitor the educational process of the University in the context of a credit system of education.

OР functions

  • assistance to institutes and departments in the organization of the educational process;
  • improving the process of registration and accounting of academic achievements of University students;
  • updating the database in order to obtain accurate and timely data that supports students in all areas of training;
  • scheduling of training sessions and examination sessions for bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students;
  • Improving the quality of statistical reporting;
  • Preparation and approval of student movement orders;
  • issuance of archival certificates, duplicate diplomas and applications, certificates from the place of study, transcripts;
  • confirmation of university graduates' diplomas;
  • conducting high-quality information and explanatory work, including through the hotline of the Call center to provide students with complete and complete information about studying at the University;
  • legalization of the stay of foreign students in the territory of Almaty city and Almaty region, monitoring and control of the movement of foreign students on an ongoing basis;
  • Continuous participation in the development and analysis of academic regulations and procedures;
  • conducting career guidance work;
  • recruitment of applicants and their admission to the University, by assisting applicants in making the best decision on their future professional career.

Division structure

The direct management of the OР is carried out by the head. The head of the OР is appointed to the position and dismissed from office on the recommendation of the Vice-Rector for academic work in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Rector of the University.

The distribution of responsibilities between department employees is carried out by the respective department heads according to job descriptions.

Work planning and reporting

The OР carries out its activities in accordance with annual work plans. The annual work plans of the OР are drawn up by the Director of the OР in accordance with the long-term plans of the University and approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Work. At the end of the examination session, the OR prepares a statistical analysis of the summary data of the results of the intermediate certification by institutions to assess the level of knowledge of students.

Interactions and connections with other departments In the course of carrying out its activities, OР:

  • interacts within its authority with other structural divisions, subsidiaries and partners of the University, and other organizations, as well as with government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and individuals;
  • coordinates drafts of regulatory documents being prepared on the activities of the RR with the heads of interested structural divisions, university officials;
  • in agreement with the University management, involves employees of the University's structural divisions in the implementation of events organized/conducted by the OР and requiring the participation of other structural divisions.


 Nurlan Kyzylbayev

Director of the Office Registrar

Nurlan Kyzylbayev

+7 (727) 320 4027

Бекишева Айгуль Ардабековна

Head of Career Center

Aigul Bekisheva

8 (727) 320 40 32

Beketkyzy Meruert

Head of the Department of Statistics and Documentation of Students

Beketkyzy Meruert

8 (272) 320 4027
Narbaev Mars Tursynbekovich

Head of the Student Contingent Formation Office

Narbaev Mars Tursynbekovich

+7 (727) 320 41 78
Санкабаева Асел Нурсалимовна

Head of the Department of registration of students

Asel Sankabaeva

8 (272) 320 4117

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