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Graduates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering

For several decades, the department was headed by graduates of the first technical university of the USSR – the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School – Professors Tusubekov M.R., Mendebaev T.M. The main attention has always been paid to training and employment.

The department has been producing mechanical engineers since 1967. In the last 10 years, graduates have been working at the leading enterprises of the large electrical engineering company "Alageum Electrik", JSC "Mashzavod named after S.M.Kirov", JSC "Almaty Heavy Machinery Plant", JSC "Yrysty-AEVRZ", head various medium-sized and private businesses.

An outstanding graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the late 90s was engineer Kenzhebaev S., who was hired by NASA, and is now a professor at one of the US universities.

Utebaev S. - Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Absadykov B.N. – member-correspondent. NAS RK, Professor, Dr. tech.Sciences, Ismurzin O.B. – Director of the Main Dispatching Department of Kaztransgas AL, Papp A.A. – Vice President of KELET JSC, Khizmetov M.T. - Deputy.General Director of the Almaty Bridge Products Plant, Popov A.S. – Director of the Center of Engineering LLP, Gruzdov A.M. – Director of the NGO Manometer, Azimbekov M.K. - Director of Zhaken-Kalsha LLP, Dyusebaev I.M. - PhD, Chief Engineer of the Almaty Electroshield Plant, Asetuly Dauren-Head of the Maintenance Management Group at "Almaty International Airport", etc.


Асетулы Даурен

Asetuly Dauren

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