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Department of Management of Educational programs and educational and methodical work

The Department of Management of Educational programs and educational methodical work is a structural unit of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.Satpayev. The department operates under the management of Vice-Provost for Academic Development.

The main activities of the department are:

  • Technical support and monitoring of educational programs in a Unified Higher Education Platform;
  • Checking the compliance of the registration of passports of educational programs with the approved form of the university;
  • Formation of the composition of Academic Committees at the departments.
  • Formation of a thematic plan of educational and methodological publications of the teaching staff for the academic year;
  • Discussion, development, preparation and introduction of proposals for the improvement of projects of internal regulatory documents on the organization of educational and methodical work of the University;
  • Providing advisory assistance to the teaching staff and the teaching staff of the university on methodological developments;
  • Conducting trainings for young instructors on the formation of pedagogical skills;
  • Organization and conduction of monitoring of the quality of methodical support of the educational process of Satbayev University;
  • Coordination and control of academic departments work on development and sustaining in actual state of educational and methodical complex of disciplines.
Жумагалиева Айгуль Сарсенбаевна

Head of Training and Methodological Department

Aigul Zhumagalieva

72-64 (internal)


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