Results of the II stage of the Republican Subject Olympiad
Announcement of the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Raimbekova Ainur
AFM Online
The results of the XVI Republican interuniversity subject Olympiad on the educational program "Land Management" have been summed up
Announcement preliminary Defense of the PhD Dissertation study programme: 8D07302 "Architecture and Urban Planning" by: Adilet Kozhakhmetov
Announcement of the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Ruslan Yegemberdiyev
Announcement of preliminary defense of doctoral dissertation by Azhar Ormambekova
Announcement of the preliminary defense of a doctoral dissertation of Sagyntay Mukhagali Karataiuly
Announcement of the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Sailygarayeva Mariya
Announcement of the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Khalykov Yerkebulan
Announcement of the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Zhumagulov Almas Serikbayevich
Acceptance of Works for Participation in the II Stage of the Republican Competition 2024 for Scientific Research Works of Undergraduate and Master's Students
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