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Practice for students of the Department of Energy

Ontustik Zharyk Transit LLP is an energy company whose activities are aimed at ensuring reliable and high-quality transmission of electrical energy to consumers.


ASPMK-519 LLP is one of the largest vertically integrated companies in the Republic of Kazakhstan, uniting a number of industrial and service enterprises operating in the energy industry. ASPMK-519 occupies a leading position in the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of design, construction, modernization and repair of electrical networks and substations for voltages up to 500 kV.


Kelet JSC is a manufacturing and commercial enterprise that has been operating since 1992 and is the leader in the Kazakhstan market of general industrial and household equipment. Over the years of operation, the enterprise has developed a mission to provide the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan with clean water, fresh air, and warmth at home and at work.


Almaty Electro-Mechanical Plant LLP - founded in 1959 as an all-Union enterprise, part of the holding company Alageum Electric JSC, is one of the largest manufacturers of electrical equipment in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


EcoEnergoGaz LLP is a modern engineering company aimed at comprehensively solving the problems of efficient use of fuel and energy resources, environmental and industrial safety, and cost-effective operation of facilities in the energy, oil/gas transportation industries.


Lighting Technologies Kazakhstan LLP - manufacturer and developer of lighting solutions


"Karachaganak Petroleum Operating b.v." - a consortium of companies that have united to implement the Karachaganak project for the development of the oil industry in Kazakhstan.


Almatyteplokommunenergo LLP is a heat generating organization that generates thermal energy for social, industrial and residential facilities in the city of Almaty


Almatylift LLP - supply and installation of new elevator equipment in the construction market of Kazakhstan.


"Alageum Electric" is a large electrical engineering company in Kazakhstan, which includes more than 30 large enterprises and factories successfully operating in the field of electric power, electrical engineering and construction. Among such enterprises are the Kentau Transformer Plant (Kentau), and the specialized company Elektromontazh JSC, which carries out electrical installation work of any complexity, has a wealth of experience and 10 specialized installation departments, including the Electrical Installation Products Plant, the only enterprise in Kazakhstan that produces cable route systems.


What specialists are in demand:

1. CAD development engineer based on multiphysics modeling of energy facilities: Creating models of a physical object will allow you to quickly and at low cost see how the object will change under the influence of different environments, in different situations. This is especially true for large and complex systems such as energy enterprises.

2. Meteoenergetics: The main difference between alternative energy and traditional energy is the uneven generation of alternative energy and the decentralization of energy generation points. Energy production from non-traditional sources depends on the time of day, weather conditions and other factors. To maintain the global energy balance, it is necessary to quickly introduce balancing generation capacities. One of the factors that determines how much balancing energy needs to be introduced is the weather forecast and climatic factors: sun strength and wind direction, temperature, etc. At the same time, installations for generating alternative energy are not absolutely environmentally friendly. They can have a certain negative impact: increased noise levels, vibrations, damage to agriculture, etc. The locations of alternative energy generation installations are of fundamental importance, since the wind rose and darkness have a significant impact on the efficiency of the installations.

3. Operational dispatcher of renewable energy sources: solving new problems: forecasting energy consumption.

4. Aerohydrodynamics of wind and hydraulic turbines: With the spread of wind energy, the demand for specialists involved in the maintenance and repair of turbines is increasing. Wind turbines have a wide range of capacities and, accordingly, a large list of turbines that require maintenance by qualified specialists.

5. Developer and designer of autonomous power systems: design of autonomous power systems for an individual consumer.

6. Developer and designer of electrical and thermal energy storage devices: performing new tasks: developing energy generation systems.

7. Hydrogen energy engineer: the use of hydrogen and hydrogen-containing compounds to generate energy.

8. Dispatcher: A qualified specialist in managing various types of equipment. Responsible for start-up, maintenance and maintenance. Controls the progress of the technological process.

9. Energy Efficiency Engineer: A highly qualified specialist who analyzes the energy consumption and use of energy resources of an enterprise. Identifies potential for improving energy efficiency and minimizing costs and develops appropriate recommendations.


How the practice goes:

The purpose of educational practice is to strengthen and deepen the theoretical knowledge acquired during the study of curriculum subjects. Also important are the formation and development of professional skills, as well as obtaining primary practical experience in the chosen field of training.


Objectives of industrial practice:

  • Gaining practical experience: Mastering specific skills and knowledge applied in real work environments so that the student can successfully implement them in the professional field.
  • Familiarity with the industrial environment: Experience in a real industrial environment helps the student understand the characteristics and requirements of his future professional activity.
  • Development of professional skills: The application of theoretical knowledge in practical activities contributes to the development of the student's professional skills necessary for a successful career.
  • Improving Communication Skills: Interacting with colleagues, management and clients in the work environment helps develop communication and teamwork skills.
  • Assessing one's own professional interests: Practice allows the student to more clearly define their interests and preferences within the chosen professional field.
  • Preparation for future career: Internship is a bridge between education and future career, providing the student with the opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in practice and prepare for entry into a professional environment.

Upon completion of practical training, students provide the following documents:

  • Industrial Practice Report: Detailed overview of tasks, analysis of work performed.
  • Diary: Recording daily activities, impressions and professional observations.
  • Agreement on the Organization and Conduct of Practice: A signed document approving the conditions and terms of practice.

Upon completion of the internship, the student draws up a report describing the work performed, the results achieved and the experience gained.

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