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Department of "Geological survey, search and exploration of mineral deposits"


At the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, the departments of "General Geology", "Historical Geology and Geology of the USSR", "Mineral Resources and Exploration", "Methods, Search and Exploration of Mineral Deposits", "Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits", "Geological Survey" functioned. and search for MPI”, “Historical and regional geology”. The heads and members of the departments of the geological profile were such outstanding scientists as Voinovsky-Krieger, Sh. Yessenov, G.L. Kushev, E.D. Shlygin, D.S. Kunaev, S.G. Ankinovich, E.A. Ankinovich, G.Ts. Medoev, M.M. Bakenov and others.

The department from the very beginning of its existence has a tradition of combining the creative potential of scientific and pedagogical staff and experienced production workers. So, during the formation of the department, Zhukov, G.A. Yarmak, O.A. Seidalin, R.S. Kachurin, B.M. Abishev, M.R. Gulamov, I.B. Baichigasov, G.A. Baimakhanov, who had extensive experience and production work.

Currently, the department of "Geological Survey, Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits" (GSPiRMPI) is part of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas named after K. Turysov of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev and is the assignee of several geological departments.

Head of the department since 2016 PhD, associate professor Bekbotaeva Alma Anarbekovna, editor-in-chief of the KazNITU Bulletin Engineering Journal of Satbayev University (EJSU), Corresponding Member. Academy of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, corresponding member of the "National Academy of Mining Sciences", member of the editorial board of the "Mining Journal of Kazakhstan", member of the Executive Committee of the "Professional Association of Independent Subsoil Experts" PONEN.

Currently, teachers with academic degrees and titles are successfully working at the department: Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Academician of KazNAEN, Professor Baibatsha A.B.; Candidates of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences and PhD Associate Professors - Arshamov Ya.K., Baisalova A.O., Bekmukhametova Z.A., Kembaev M.K., Mustapaeva S.N.; Omarova G.M., senior lecturers PhD Asubaeva S.K., Mamanov E.Zh. Every year, teachers take refresher courses, and associate professor Mustapaeva S.N. during the year he is doing a scientific internship at Hopkins University under the Bolashak program.

The goal and objectives of the department is to ensure the teaching of academic disciplines using the latest technologies at the level of modern requirements of production, science and technology.

The mission of the department "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" is to train graduates in educational programs "Applied Geology" (with IT specialization in geology and geological modeling), "Geology and exploration of mineral deposits" at three levels of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies.

The programs participated in the rankings of the Republic of Kazakhstan: in the bachelor's program according to the Atameken rating "Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits" takes 3rd place, according to the rating of the "Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education" the master's program takes the first place for the third year in a row. Employment of graduates (in the first 4 months after receiving a diploma) - 82% (according to Atameken).

Research projects carried out by the department for 2018-2024:

  • International project "StAKZ Hub Analytical Workshop" on the topic: "Technological innovation to efficiently and responsibly harness primary resources" in accordance with agreement No. 26 of February 4, 2020 concluded between Satbayev University, Nazarbayev University, University of St. Andrews (Scotland) - 3.6 million tenge - scientific supervisor Bekbotaeva A.A.
  • GF “The main chronostratigraphic boundaries of the Lower Carboniferous in the sections of Western Kazakhstan (Aktobe region): the possibility of establishing international standards” - 24 million tenge, - scientific adviser Mustapaeva S.N.
  • PCF “Comprehensive geological study of the subsoil for the development of the resource base and the development of new sources of ore raw materials in Kazakhstan”. 200 million tenge - scientific supervisor Baibatsha A.B.
  • "Assessment of the lithium potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan, determination of criteria for the formation of deposits and the setting of geological exploration" - 73 million tenge, supervisor Baisalova A.O.
  • "The main boundaries of the Lower Carboniferous in the section of central Kazakhstan - the development of a zonal standard" - 76 million tenge, supervisor Mustapaeva S.N.
  • “Geological and mineralogical studies of technogenic and natural ores to replenish reserves and ensure their complex processing” - 76 million tenge. Scientific supervisor Baibatsha A.B.
  • "Study of geotectonics and geodynamics of the Shu-Iles ore region (for forecasting new promising areas)" - 18 million tenge, scientific supervisor Kembaev M.K.

Contractual topics for 2021-2022:

  • “Study of the mineralogical and petrographic composition of host rocks and ores of the Demeu-Kok-Tas deposit, Alkamergen area” - scientific adviser Baisalova A.O.
  • JSC NGK "KazGeology" "Services for laboratory/laboratory and instrumental research/analysis" - scientific adviser Omarova G.M.
  •  "MGeoProekt Analysis of Exploration Data" LLP - Supervisor Asubayeva S.K.

The department actively cooperates with companies and industrial geological organizations and companies. In order to continuously improve the program and provide students with up-to-date knowledge and practical skills of working between the department, organizations and companies, such as NGK Kazgeology JSC, Kazakhmys OJSC, KAZ Minerals Management LLP, NAC Kazatomprom, RGU MD Yuzhkaznedra , MD Sevkaznedra, MD Vostkaznedra, MD Zapkaznedra, MD Tsentrkaznedra, GSP Izdenis LLP, Laton-geoservice LLP, Kapchagai GPE LLP, RU-6 LLP, Geobayt LLP -Info", LLP "Karatau", LLP "MMC "Vasilyevskoye", JSC AK "Altynalmas", Donskoy GOK is a branch of JSC TNC Kazchrome, JSC MMC Kazakhaltyn, JSC JV Zarechnoye, LLP Milysai, JSC Volkovgeology, JSC Volkovgeology GRE-23, JSC Shalkiya Zinc LTD, LLP " GRK "Belogorsky GOK", LLP "Kazphosphate", LLP "Tsentrgeolsemka", Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I. Satpaeva and others signed cooperation agreements for conducting production and pre-diploma practices.

The department conducts educational field geological survey practice at its own training ground in Small Karatau.

The department has experience of cooperation with higher educational institutions of other countries. Undergraduates and doctoral students of the department have the opportunity to undergo scientific internships at such universities as: Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), University of Warsaw (Poland), Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia). Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after S. Ordzhonikidze (Russia), Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Russia), Rostov, Hungary, Department of Geography at Humboldt University of Berlin, The University of St Andrews in Scotland, Department of Earth Sciences The Natural History Museum (London, United Kingdom). An agreement on a two-degree master's program was signed with Tomsk Polytechnic University.

The department has geological laboratories and classrooms equipped with the necessary instruments, and computer classes with the program Micromine, Leapfrog, Surfer, ARCGis, AutoCAD. In 2022-2023, the educational mineralogical museum was completely reconstructed and the Gallery of Minerals was created in the foyer of the main educational building.

The students created the geological organization GeoPolitech, which unites more than a hundred students, the number of members is constantly growing. Members of the organization are actively involved in the public life of the university: they organize meetings with production workers who hold open lectures, record podcasts, go on routes and engage in creativity.

The department, together with the youth student organization of geologists GeoPolitech, is holding the festival “GEOFEST 2023”. The festival has become a platform for communication between experienced practicing professionals and young students who have chosen the life of a geological engineer. The festival brings together experts from all over Kazakhstan and representatives of the companies Kazakhmys Barlau, ERG Exploration, Qazaq Geophysics, SRK Consulting, KazMinerals, Dolon, Micromine, PONEN, AlmasGeo, students and teachers of KSTU named after A. Saginov, etc.

“GEOFEST-2023” is another valuable impetus in the development of the geology of our Republic and its popularization among young people. Geology is developing dynamically, representing a fusion of traditional and modern technologies. Geologists act not only as researchers, but also as developers of advanced computer technologies and digital content. The mission of the festival is to transfer the knowledge and experience of the older generation to the younger, preserving unique traditions and maintaining continuous continuity in the field of geological exploration of the mining industry.

The teaching staff of the department trains young geologists, students of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School, 128, 56, 134 secondary schools and gymnasiums, organizes International and Republican geological Olympiads for schoolchildren. The goals of the Olympiad are early career guidance for young people, increasing students’ interest in studying geological sciences, popularizing geology as a science and its applied significance; identifying and supporting gifted children, attracting the attention of schoolchildren to the problems of geoecology and subsoil protection, educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, camaraderie and love for the Motherland.

Department of "Geological survey, search and exploration of mineral deposits"

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