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Institute of Digital Technology and Professional Development

Institute of Digital Technologies and Professional Development (IDT&PD) provides services in the field of information systems in accordance with the strategy of KazNRTU and ensures the superiority of the university among competitors in the implementation of advanced information technologies and innovative solutions.

Based on information and telecommunication technologies, it provides training and retraining of personnel, advanced training of specialists, and satisfies the individual needs of citizens as part of their professional development.

Mission of ITTC:

  1. Development of the information system of KazNRTU, according to change growing internal needs implementation of technologic platforms of new generations. Quality assurance the smooth operation of all information systems, computer network, server hardware, international Internet
  2. Improving the efficiency and quality of the provision of educational services in direct interaction with the production base, taking into account the scientific and innovative focus of the University in training highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the global labor market.

Goals and objectives of IDT&PD:

  • ensuring the organization of the educational and methodological process for the preparation of students in the areas of first and second higher education;
  • control, monitoring, accounting, analysis and assessment of the state of training of students using DET based on the results of current, midterm and final controls, including research achievements of students;
  • creation of an automation system for management, academic and accounting activities (hereinafter referred to as the information system) of KazNRTU based on modern technological solutions using advanced methods for optimizing business processes;
  • technical support, maintenance and repair of the computer park of KazNRTU;
  • technical support, maintenance and repair of printing and copying office equipment of KazNRTU;
  • development, control and updating of the normative documentation of the Department;
  • Control and distribution of the load on the Internet by users of KazNRTU.

Organizational structure IDT&PD:

Organizational structure IDT&PD

  1. Department of Implementation of Remote Technologies – is responsible for providing high-quality educational content in the most accessible format with the possibility of providing education to all segments of the population of Kazakhstan, develops and supports the Polytech Online distance learning system, and also plans, organizes and controls the educational process for DET.
  2. Development department online educational content – develops electronic educational content for distance learning with the involvement of specialists in the prescribed manner.
  3. Department for work with corporate clients – develops individual packages of commercial educational programs for potential and current corporate clients; monitors and works with current tenders.
  4. Web development department – is engaged in the creation of an automation system for management, academic and accounting activities based on modern technological solutions using advanced methods for optimizing business processes, introducing new generation technology platforms;
  5. Technical Support Department - provides technical support, maintenance and repair of printing and copying office equipment, as well as repair of the computer park of KazNRTU.
  6. IT Infrastructure Department – responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of all information systems, computer network, server hardware, international Internet.
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