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Department of civil engineering and building materials

The origins of the formation of the Department of Construction and Construction Materials go back to the 50's, when on the basis of the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute, and then the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin was training specialists of the oldest and most necessary profession for the country - the builder. For many years of its history, the Department of General Construction has made a great contribution to the training of highly qualified civil engineers for Kazakhstan.

In 1957, the first enrollment for the specialty "Industrial Civil Construction" (ICC) was carried out at the Mining Faculty. Every year the admission of applicants to the construction specialty increased, so in 1957 - 57, in 1958 - 75, in 1959 - 100, etc. The first graduation of civil engineers took place in June 1962.

The first graduates - doctors and candidates of sciences: T.J. Akberdin, M.A. Ashimbaev, A.A. Bespaev, P.V. Korolkov, M.N. Sabalakov, A.S. Tattigulov made a huge contribution to education in construction specialties. Many graduates became prominent scientists, heads of large scientific and design institutes, construction departments of Union and republican importance.

For many years of its history, the Department of General Civil Engineering of KazPTI has made a huge contribution to the training of highly qualified engineers for Kazakhstan and CIS countries (former USSR). Outstanding graduates of the Civil Engineering Department of KazPTI: Dr. E.Sc., Professor, Academician Adilov J.M. - Rector of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev; Dr. E.Sc., Professor, Academician Bisenov K.A. - Rector of Kyzyl-Orda State University named after Korkyt-at; Dr. Ph, Professor Kosherbaev A.K. - akim of Kyzyl-Orda region; Tattigulov A.Sh. - president of the Academy "KazGOR"; Ashimbaev M.Sh. - for many years was the director of KazNIISSA, Doctor of Science, Professor Abakanov T.D. - director of the Kazakh Research Institute of Seismology.

In February 1959, to ensure the educational process on the disciplines of the construction specialty was opened the Department of "Construction Engineering", the head was appointed Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zharmagambetov B.Zh. In 1961, the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute from the specialty of construction was formed by the Faculty of Engineering and Construction and the dean was appointed Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Serdyukov M.M.

In connection with the increasing number of students studying in construction specialties in 1962 on the basis of the department of "Construction Engineering" organized the following departments: "Construction Technology, Organization and Architecture" (Head of Department - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Serdyukov M.M.), "Engineering Structures and Construction Mechanics" (Head of Department - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Zharmagambetov B.J.). Then the name of the second department changed to "Engineering Structures" (1963) and "Reinforced Concrete Structures" (1971) and the head of the department was the first Doctor of Technical Sciences in KazPTI, Professor Zharmagambetov B.Zh..

Construction specialty in KazPTI was among the leading specialties: sending young teachers in postgraduate studies of major universities and research institutes of the Union, worked in close connection with famous scientists. Preparing highly qualified civil engineers for foreign countries, helped these countries; since 1968 the faculty began to produce textbooks, for the first time was published a collection of scientific papers under the title "Construction and Architecture of Kazakhstan".

In 1980, the Almaty Architectural and Construction Institute (AACI) was separated from KazPTI on the basis of the Faculty of Engineering and Construction and the Faculty of Architecture.

In 2006 the Institute of Construction and Ecology (now Architecture and Construction) and the Institute of Economics and Business were organized on the basis of the KazNTU Ecological and Economic Institute. The Institute of Construction and Ecology included the newly organized Department of Construction and Architecture (now separate departments of "Construction and Building Materials" and "Architecture and Design"), the head of the department, Dr.Sc., Professor O.A. Isakov. The first name of the Department of Construction was "Technology of Construction and Design of Buildings".


Annually the department carries out admission to the specialty "Construction" more than 200 people for 6 Bachelor's degree programs, more than 30 people for 3 Master's degree programs and at least 6 people for 2 Doctoral degree programs. Also at the department is recruiting and training students in the direction of; 6B07305 - "Transportation Construction" and 6B07118 - "Transportation Structures".

At present at the department are working on the training of specialists - builders: 2 honored workers of the RK, 2 holders of the grant of the MES RK "Best Teacher of the Year", 2 academicians of NIA RK, 8 doctors of sciences, 11 professors, 10 candidates of sciences.

All the work of the department is conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Quality Management System (QMS) of the Russian Register, the activities of the department are aimed at the cycle of "Planning - execution - verification - action to improve". Classes are conducted in three languages - state, Russian and English. Special attention is paid to the state language.

Classrooms, offices and laboratories of the department are equipped with modern equipment and new generation computers in accordance with the requirements of the disciplines taught. The computer class is equipped with modern program complexes for diploma and course design.

The Department of Construction and Building Materials has cooperation agreements with leading foreign universities, international organizations, associations and companies: St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction, Moscow State University of Construction, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (Baku), Seoul University of Science and Technology (Korea, Seoul) Samarkand University of Architecture and Construction (Uzbekistan, Samarkand) Vilnius Technical University named after Gedimin (Lithuania, Vilnius). Gediminas Technical University (Vilnius, Lithuania) on the basis of which joint works on scientific researches and publication of results of scientific researches, exchange of students and master students within the framework of academic mobility, lecturing by foreign scientists under the program "Visiting Lecturer", participation in international conferences and seminars of students and master students are carried out. The department also has a close relationship with major research and design institutes, organizations and enterprises of RK construction profile, such as KazNIISA, Almaty GIPROGOR, KAZGOR LLP LCI-MK and Temirbeton-1 in which students and masters undergo all kinds of practice".


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