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Department of construction

Department of management of infrastructure

The Department of Construction is a structural subdivision of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev and consists of:

  • Engineering and Construction Office;
  • Educational and Production Workshop.

The Department has 90 staff. It is managed by the Director and supervised by the Vice-Rector for Science and Corporate Development.

The main goal of the Department is to achieve sustainable development of the University based on the improvement and enhancement of the infrastructure. To achieve this goal the Department solves the following tasks:

  • carrying out annual scheduled repairs of University buildings;
  • developing the University’s educational and production base;
  • ensuring uninterrupted operation of all engineering systems and communications including ventilation systems;
  • control during the construction and commissioning of new facilities;
  • providing departments with design and estimate documentation;
  • guidance in obtaining permits and approvals from city services for new construction;
  • preparing all engineering systems for the heating season;
  • connecting equipment to the power supply;
  • eliminating accidents;
  • manufacturing new furniture.

Contacts: 320-41-07, 320-41-55.

Department of management of infrastructure

Department of management of infrastructure

Department of management of infrastructure

Department of management of infrastructure

Department of management of infrastructure

Department of management of infrastructure

Department of management of infrastructure

Department of management of infrastructure

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