Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies


In 1971, the Department of Industrial Electronics was established at the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering (AaCE). This department has been headed in different years:

● Umiryaev Abdulla Umiryevich (1971 - 1975),

● Bektybaev Temirkhan Kasenovich (1975 - 1986),

● Ibraev Alpamys Tuyakovich (1986 - 1997),

● Abdullaev Mukhit Abubakirovich (1997 - 1998),

● Ermakov Anatoly Semenovich (1998 - 2008).

Since 1989, the Department of "Industrial Electronics" was renamed to the Department of "Electronics of Computing Equipment" (ECE) began training engineers in the specialty "Design and technology of electronic computing facilities". In 2004, the specialties "Electronics of computing equipment", "Industrial Electronics", "Multichannel telecommunication systems" and "Electronic systems and Technologies" were merged into a single specialty "Radio Engineering, electronics and telecommunications". Specialty "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications, was organized in 2004. On the basis of the Department of "Computer Engineering" under the guidance of PhD, Professor A.S. Ermakov

As a separate department in 2008, REiT was formed by combining the Department of "Automation and Telemechanics" of the specialty "Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications", (REEaT) under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor N.T. Isembergenov.

In the period 2013-2016, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A. O. Kasimov.

In 2016, a new department of "Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications" was organized, under the leadership of PhD, Professor A. T. Ibraev.

In the period 2017-2018, the head of the department was Baltynov Turar

In 2018, a new department of "Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies" was organized, under the leadership of PhD Tashtay E.

From January 1 to June 1, 2021 - Head of the department Syrgabaev Ilyas

Since June 1, 2021 , the head of the department is Associate Professor Tashtay E.


Goals and objectives of the department

The mission of the ETaST department is to train highly qualified, competitive, erudite, creatively and innovatively thinking professional engineering personnel capable of solving production tasks in the telecommunications, electronic and space industries.

The main objectives of the ETaST Department are:

- qualitative improvement of the organization of research and educational work of the department;

- development of educational programs in disciplines reflecting the latest achievements of science and prospects for their development;

- ensuring continuous improvement of the quality of teaching;

- raising the level of lectures as the leading form of education;

- introduction of innovative forms of education;

- organization and conduct of practical, laboratory and independent classes as effective forms of consolidating knowledge, instilling skills and abilities to students.

The main tasks of the ETaST Department are:

- organization and implementation at a high level of educational and scientific-methodical work in one or more related disciplines;

- educational and advisory work among students;

- scientific research on the profile of the department;

- training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and their professional development;

- support of the high moral and aesthetic status of the department;

- implementation of its activities by modern methods adopted in the world practice in its profile, in order to meet the requirements of the modern level of education as much as possible;

- qualified explanatory work on QMS among the teaching staff of the department;

-maintenance of effective functioning, continuous development and improvement of the effectiveness of the teaching and methodological activities of the department in accordance with the requirements of national and international standards;

- determination of the responsibility of each employee of the department for the quality of work performed, the fullest involvement of staff in achieving the goals of the department;

- providing educational and methodological services at a highly professional level, striving to achieve the best results achieved in this direction in world practice;

- paying special attention to continuous professional development of teaching staff of the department;

- formation and constant updating of the fund of scientific, educational and normative literature for the disciplines of the OP.

The main functions of the ETaST Department are:

- conducting audit classes (lectures, practical classes, laboratory work) in accordance with the academic load and according to the academic calendar approved by the Vice-rector for Academic Work;

- implementation in accordance with the established procedure of consulting bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students, as well as students of IDO programs in the disciplines and courses taught in the amount determined by the current standards of the academic load of the department and in accordance with the RUPam and IUPam;

- organization and regular monitoring of students' independent work, including their homework;

- implementation of intermediate and final certification of students in the form of credits and exams based on the results of their mastering of educational material;

- implementation of the planned amount of educational and methodological work that ensures the conduct of the educational process at a high level (development and submission for approval of the OP, RUPa and QED, preparation, updating and publication of textbooks, methodological materials for conducting training sessions);

-implementation of the educational process among students, interaction with student public organizations, the Council of Young Scientists, participation in events provided for by the annual plans of educational and extracurricular work with university students;

- development of annual professional development plans for the staff of the department, submitting them for approval to the vice-rector for academic work, organization and control of their implementation;

- assistance to the teaching staff of the department in their creative growth, conducting and discussing open lectures and other types of training sessions at the methodological seminar, studying and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience;

- creating the necessary conditions for teachers and researchers to work on master's and doctoral dissertations, organizing interested discussion of dissertations, facilitating the participation of faculty of the department in conferences and publishing research results;

- carrying out work on the development, modernization and strengthening of the material and technical base of the department's educational laboratories, equipping the department with modern software complexes and their widespread introduction into the educational process;

- carrying out scientific works corresponding to the profile of the department, research works in the field of radio engineering, telecommunications and space technology;

- involvement of students in research work;

- participation in the discussion and examination of completed research papers; making conclusions about their scientific and practical significance, recommendations for their implementation in practice and publication;

- ensuring the quality of education, taking into account the strategic goals, objectives and mission of the Institute and the University as a whole;

- development, maintenance and updating of QMS documentation in accordance with ISO 9001 requirements;

- elimination of inconsis.


The department actively cooperates with the following foreign universities:

MIPT was founded in 1946 as the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, therefore the second, official name of the institute is Phystech. MIPT was created to train the country's research and engineering elite, and from the very first years it was involved in the most priority government initiatives: space and nuclear programs. For more than 75 years of history, dozens of academicians of sciences, outstanding scientists and inventors have come out of the walls of MIPT.

Lomonosov Moscow State University is rightfully considered the oldest Russian university. It was founded in 1755. Currently, Moscow University is one of the leading centers of national education, science and culture. Raising the level of highly qualified personnel, searching for scientific truth, focusing on the humanistic ideals of goodness, justice, freedom — this is seen today as following the best university traditions.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University is a Russian national research university, a scientific center and a particularly valuable object of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia.

The State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic" (Ukrainian State University "Zhytomyr Polytechnic") is a state technical educational institution of higher education in Ukraine, located in the city of Zhytomyr.

The St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich is the oldest university in the Russian Federation, the recognized leader of the Russian higher school in the field of training specialists for the communications and telecommunications industry. Since 1930, when a special higher educational institution in radio engineering and telecommunications was established in Leningrad on the basis of Higher Communication Courses, and to this day the status of the university remains consistently high.

The University of Pristina is the largest higher education institution in Kosovo. He is a member of the European Association of Universities and maintains contacts with Western European and American universities and institutes. In addition, the University of Pristina holds the highest position in the Webometrics ranking among all Albanian-speaking universities in Europe.

The department conducted research work on the GF of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic "Development of a wireless distributed system for monitoring the pollution of plastic wastewater with antibiotics and aggressive drugs" under the guidance of Professor A.O. Kasimov, In 2016. Research work was carried out on the topic "Development of a stand and modern information technology for functional processing of onboard control systems and supervisory control of nanosatellites in scientific and educational processes" and "Development of a concept and demonstration layout of a solar space power plant" under the program: "Development of clean energy sources of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2017 within the framework of EXPO-2017" under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences Suymenbayev B.T. According to the results of the academic year, high performance of research of the project manager, Doctor of Technical Sciences was noted. Tuymebaev B. T. and a group of employees, including senior lecturer of Ermolina G. T., assistant Babichev A.

Currently, work is underway on the design of applications for GF MSHE Professor by Abdykadyrov A. research on the topic "Development and research of the systems for wastewater disinfection by ozone treatment by corona discharge at high frequencies", and submitted to the international competition of MKS on the topic "Study of the process of wastewater treatment methods, ozonation and cavitation in a microgravity environment".

Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies

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