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HR service

HR Service is a structural subdivision of Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev (hereinafter - the University or KazNITU).


The main objectives of HR Service are:

  • Current and future planning of KazNRTU's staffing needs. Preparing forecasts of staff needs, in accordance with the plans of KazNRTU development, identifying qualification requirements for teaching staff, analysis of staff turnover;
  • Development of requirements, criteria, motivation system for applicants for positions in the teaching staff (hereinafter Faculty) and all employees of KazNITU;
  • Improving the image of the university as a leading technical university of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


To achieve this goal, HR Service solves the following tasks:

  • develop a system of requirements for the staff (job profiles);
  • to implement measures aimed at creating conditions for retention and motivation of staff in order to increase their productivity;
  • to work with the personnel reserve, ensure the influx of employees with the necessary qualifications, and develop a system of adaptation and training;
  • To organize and carry out work on rationalization of the structure and employees of KazNITU, strengthening labor discipline, implementation of a flexible policy of material and moral incentives to achieve maximum efficiency of employees at all levels. 

Regulatory documents

In its work the Service is guided by the following normative legal acts: 

  • Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 30, 1995;
  • Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint-Stock Companies" № 415-II of May 13, 2003;
  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" dated 27 July 2007 № 319-111;
  • The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science" No. 407-IV of February 18, 2011. 
  • Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Counteracting Corruption" No. 410-V of November 18, 2015; 
  • Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 414-V of November 23, 2015;
  • Statute of KazNITU;
  • Internal Regulations Pr 029-06.11-2-01-2016;
  • Quality Policy of KazNRTU;
  • Regulations on HR Service. 

Structure of the unit 

The structure and staffing of the HR Service consists of the director, and the general manager, the number is determined by the staffing schedule of the University, approved in the prescribed manner. 

Distribution of duties between employees of HR Service is made by Director of HR Service in accordance with job descriptions and responsibility matrix.

Director appointed and dismissed by order of the Chairman of the Management Board-Rector of KazNRTU implements management of the HR Service.  Director of HR Service carries out operational management of HR Service activity, organizes current and prospective planning of KazNITU staffing needs.

Requirements to qualifications:

  • Director of HR Service: higher (postgraduate education), work experience in organizations of education and science in the field of personnel management (including in managerial positions) of not less than 5 years;
  • the chief manager: higher (postgraduate) education, work experience of not less than 3 years. 


To achieve its goals and objectives, the HR Service performs the following functions: 

  • develops proposals for hiring faculty members by competition in accordance with the procedure established by law, prepares and organizes the work of the Competition Commission;
  • develops systems of adaptation of employees of the enterprise, tracks the terms and results of probationary period;
  • prepares the HR Service work plan for the coming year;
  • prescribes the business processes of the HR Service and optimizes the existing ones;
  • provides opportunities for maximum realization of each employee's potential by means of created working conditions and technology;
  • analyzes, develops and implements motivation systems;
  • executes labor contracts, orders for hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation;
  • conducts quantitative and qualitative analysis of the University staff;
  • Organizes methodical, documentary and informational support of the University teaching staff competition, participation in analysis of the competition results, control over the execution of the competition committee's decisions;
  • Keeps personnel records, maintains proper documentation and reporting on the University personnel;
  • updates data on personnel in the internal database of the University,, NOBD databases;
  • accepts, fills in, stores and issues work cards;
  • issues certificates of employment at the University, extracts from orders by personnel;
  • Supervises the execution of the decisions of bodies, orders and instructions on personnel work;
  • Control the time sheet keeping, registration of sick notes of Departments, Institutes and University management;
  • Supervise the drawing up of vacations schedules, record of employees' use of vacations, execution of orders of regular vacations in accordance with approved schedules and additional vacations, unpaid vacations, orders for payment of material assistance, etc;
  • Forming the staffing and positioning of the personnel;
  • supervises the employees' compliance with the Internal Regulations and labor discipline;
  • Provides information on personnel, requested by the bodies of legal activity, the MNiVO RK, etc;
  • Prepares, executes and transfers personal cases of employees in Archives of university.

Work planning and reporting

The annual plan of work of HR Service is made according to the plan of HR Service and approved by the Head of Office of the Board. The annual work plan of HR Service includes the plan of activity and professional development of the University employees.
Interaction and relations with other departments

HR Service meets the requirements of the Chief of Staff of the Management Board. 

HR Service in its activities interacts with all structural units of the University, trade union committee of employees, public organizations of the University, as well as external organizations within its competence.


Director of HR Service: Beisova Azhar Kayrollovna +7 727 320 40 20,

  • Department on work with teachers: +7 727 292 60 37,  
  • Other personnel Department: +7 727 320 41 10.

Address: 22 Satpaeva str, (corner of Masanchi str.), Oil Building, room 205 (2nd floor).

Working hours: Monday-Friday from 8:30 to 17:30, lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00.

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