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Politech Publishing Center named after T. Kenev

Today, Polytech Publishing Center is:

  • modern printing house with full-cycle digital equipment;
  • 50 years of impeccable work;
  • a professional team with long experience;
  • high quality of the published products.

2004 – Polytech Publishing Center, then Publishing house of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev, was recognized by RK Association of Kazakhstan’s higher educational institutions as "Best University Publishing House" and was awarded the Diploma of President of RK Association of Kazakhstan’s higher educational institutions for achievements in publishing the textbooks of the new generation.

Polytech Publishing Center named after T. Keneyev produces stands, banners, booklets, brochures, flyers, advertising products of any level of complexity, as well as books on almost all areas of modern scientific knowledge - educational and scientific literature for students, graduate students, teachers and specialists, manuals for university applicants, as well as popular science, scientific fiction and reference literature.

Polytech Publishing Center named after T. Keneyev makes the layout of “ҚазҰТЗУ-хабаршысы - Herald of KazNRTU” scientific journal (6 issues per year).

Polytech Publishing Center named after T. Keneyev is equipped with high-tech printing equipment:

  • monochrome high-performance digital printing machine (black and white) OceVarioPrintVP6160;
  • full-color productive printing machine KM Bizhub Press C8000;
  • color widescreen scanner;
  • Konica Minolta bizhub MFP;
  • rob-scanner for scanning the archived documentation;
  • large format printer;
  • silk-screen machine;
  • 3D printer for designing the drawings and the text on mugs, plates etc.;
  • paper cutter;
  • bookbinding machine-thermo-binder;
  • laser engraving machine.

The activities of Polytech Publishing Center named after T. Keneyev are regulated by governing documents on publishing activities at the departmental and university levels. With the purpose to fulfill the tasks assigned to PC to improve the work in preparation for issuing and publishing the educational and methodological literature, almost all issues related to organizing the book publishing and issuing advertising and other materials based on the quality management system have been worked out.

Address: Almaty, Satbayev str., 22, MAB, 1st floor,

Yernar Meirambekovich Meirambekov
Polytech Publishing Center named after T. Keneyev
+7 701 806 02 33

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