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Scientific Research Laboratory of “Modeling and Information Technologies”

SRL MIT was established in early 2021. The main scientific directions of SRL MIT are mathematical and numerical modeling of physical processes (the flow of multiphase liquids in a porous medium, the spread of harmful impurities in the atmosphere, etc.), the development of applied software products and the use of machine learning methods in solving physical problems. Since the beginning of its creation, research has been carried out at the NRL VMIT under two grant projects for a total of 96,638,482.2 tenge for 3 years as part of research funding for young scientists. The main part of these sums is aimed at conducting physical experiments on real rock samples. In 2021, 6 articles were published by the staff of the SRL MIT, 2 of them were published in journals with a percentile of 56% and 40%. In 2022, 3 articles were published and accepted for publication, one of them in the journal with a 30% percentile. SRL MIT helps to: a) solve applied problems by means of mathematical and numerical modeling; b) develop applied software products.

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