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National scientific laboratory for collective use of Information and space technologies

“National scientific laboratory for the collective use of information and space technologies (NSLC IST) KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayeva was formed in 2009 on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main goal of the NSLC IST activities is to achieve sustainable development of KazNRTU based on the development and implementation of information and space technologies in education, science and industry.


Main activities:

  • provision of computing cluster resources for scientists and specialists of scientific organizations and universities of the country to conduct scientific research;
  • software development using high-performance computing;
  • solving resource-intensive computing problems in various branches of science;
  • software development using machine learning and computer vision technologies;
  • Assistance in the preparation of theses for bachelor’s, master’s and PhD doctoral programs.

NSLC IST provides access to high-performance resources for conducting scientific research based on the laboratory to domestic and foreign scientists, regardless of the departmental affiliation and form of ownership of the scientific organizations in which they work on a permanent basis.


Tasks in the field of information technology:

- Mathematical processing of large and extremely large data;

- solving mathematical problems of increased complexity

- Research in the field of computer vision;

- Problems of artificial intelligence;

- Development of grid technologies;

- Research in the field of parallel programming;

- Research in the field of virtualization.


Tasks in the field of space technology:

- processing of remote sensing data;

- Design of space vehicles;

- analysis and processing of space research data aimed at remote study of the surface of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to solve environmental problems;

- modeling of systems for space instrumentation;

- conducting theoretical research in the field of cosmophysics;

- modeling of physical processes of space objects.


Types of services provided:

• Rent of time for one node of the Computing cluster;

• Rent of time for one personal computer in the laboratory;

• Installation of additional software (of varying complexity) on one node or server of the Computing Cluster;

• Rent of 1 Terabyte of disk space of a Computing cluster;

• Rent of laboratory Internet traffic;

• 3D printing;

• Prototyping;

• 3D video;

• 3D tour;


Material and technical base/infrastructure for the provision of services:

Computing cluster with peak performance of 10.9 TFLOPS (Supercomputer).

Fujitsu PRIMERGY BX920 S1 computing cluster with peak performance of 10.9 TFLOPS.

Number of computing nodes: 112.
Type of computing nodes: Fujitsu PRIMERGY BX920 S1 Dual Server Blade.
Number of processors: 2 x 112 = 224.
Type of processors: Intel Xeon Quad Core DP X5550 2.66GHz.
Number of cores: 8 x 112 = 896.
RAM: 16 x 112 = 1792 GB.
Interconnect: 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
Management server: Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX300 S5.
Operating systems: Windows HPC Server 2012 R2, ¬ Rocks Cluster Distribution 5.4.3 (Viper)



Head of NSLC IST Ismailov Daniyar Valerievich

+ 7 778 423 34 48


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