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Graduates of the MNIIF department

The special pride and achievement of the MNIIF department are its graduates, among whom there are prominent scientists and heads of enterprises, various figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Currently, the proud graduates of the department are:.

Akhmetova G. E. – Doctor PhD, Head of the Department of Metal Forming at Karaganda Industrial University.

Dostaeva A. M. – PhD doctor, acting associate professor of the department of “Nanotechnology and Metallurgy” of the NJSC “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov”.

Alimzhanova A. M. – Doctor Phd., senior researcher at the laboratory of rare metals of the RSE “National Center for Integrated Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

Mustafa L.M. - PhD, PhD, Head of Materials Science Laboratory, JSC National Center for Space Research and Technology.

Shongalova A.K. - Doctor PhD, Head of Laboratory of the Laboratory of Photoelectric Phenomena and Instruments, (LLP, Physicotechnical Institute).

Bakhytuly N. - PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Physical Methods of Analysis, Institute of Metallurgy and Beneficiation.

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