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Department of Technological Machines and Equipment

The history of the department's creation begins back in 1937, when the department of Mine Transport was organized in connection with the need to study special disciplines at the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute. Professor Andrey Nikolaevich Kulibaba, a graduate of the Yekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) Mining Institute, was appointed the first head of the department. In different periods, the department was called - "Mining transport", "Mining mechanics and mining transport", "Industrial transport", "Electrification and automation of mining industry" and "Transport and mining machines" was appointed Head of the department. In different years, the department was headed by K. T. Associate Professor Kartashev Alexander Nikolaevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Spitsyn Alexander Dmitrievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dzhienkulov Sergazy Akhmetovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Filimonov Alexey Timofeevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Krupnik Leonid Andreevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Taukelev Renat Nurekelevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Stolpovskikh Ivan Nikitovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor Iskakov Bolat Iskakovich.

In 1959, for the first time in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, a set of students for the specialty "Mechanical equipment of metallurgical plants" was organized at the Metallurgical Faculty of the V. I. Lenin Kazakh Polytechnic Institute. In 1962, the Department of "Mechanical Equipment of metallurgical plants" was organized, and in 1989 it was renamed the Department of "Metallurgical Machines and Equipment". The first head of the department was the laureate of the USSR State Prize, Ph.D., Associate Professor Kunitsin Nikolai Mikhailovich.   At various times, the department was headed by: Ph.D., Professor Nysanbai Gabdulla Nysanbayuly, Ph.D., Associate Professor Dosumov Kubegen Baydauletovich, Ph.D., Professor Davilbekov Nariman Khalbekovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor Beisenov Baurzhan Sakkouly, Ph.D., Professor Mashekov Serik Akimovich.

In 1986, the Department of Machines and Equipment of Oil and gas fields was organized." The department trained mechanical engineers for the oil and gas industry. The first head of the department was Oleg Nikolaevich Samsonov, Ph.D., Associate Professor. In different years, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Albert Akhmedovich Girfanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences Anatoly Solovyov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Makhambet Kuatbekov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Dusaliev Kayyrgali Mukashevich, Ph.D., Associate Professor Myrzakhmetov Beibit Abikenovich.

As a result of the merger of the departments "Mining machines and Equipment", "Metallurgical machines and equipment", "Machines and equipment of oil and gas fields" in 2016, the department "Technological Machines and Equipment" was formed. The first head of the conjoint department was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Yelemessov Kassym Koptleuyevich (2016-2021). From 2021-2023 the department was headed by Dr.Sc., Associate Professor Bortebayev Saiyn Abilkhanovich, at the present time the head of the department is Dr.Sc., Associate Professor Kaliyev Bakytzhan Zautbekovich.

The department "Technological machines and equipment" prepares specialists for the following educational undergraduate programs:

  • 6В07107 – Operational and service engineering for the mining, metallurgical and oil and gas industries (ASIIN);

  • 6В07115 – Technological machines and equipment (by industry) (IAAR)

  • 6В07132 – Predictive technologies and machine diagnostics (innovative Educational Program, according to the Atlas of New Professions)


  • 7M07111 – Digital Engineering of Machines and Equipment (Master's program) (ASIIN);

Doctor of Philosophy

  • 8D07110 – Digital engineering of machines and equipment (IAAR)

Goals and objectives


  • Preparing thoroughly educated, intellectually developed specialists in technological machines and equipment, innovative technologies in the field of maintenance and repair of the mountain, metallurgical and oil and gas machines, able to implement their professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the public and private management, mining and oil and gas companies, public and research organizations of any form of property;

  •  To ensure the growth of research activity of the teaching staff of the Department for the purpose of integration of education, science and industry.

  • To integrate into the world educational process through the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation with leading foreign universities and international vendors for the purpose of carrying out joint activities aimed at improving the quality of training by industry.

  • provide fundamental training for students to successfully solve scientific and engineering problems in the areas of automotive, design of logistics systems and supply chain management.

  • to develop among students the practical skills of engineering analysis and design, the formulation and conduct of scientific research, including the formation of students with a professional orientation as a personality trait of a future engineer.

  • to improve the three-level model of training personnel with higher and postgraduate education: undergraduate - graduate - doctoral programs that meet the requirements of consumers, based on the implementation of modern educational technologies and continuous improvement of the teaching and methodological activities of the teachers of the department.


  • Practical implementation in the educational process in the RK continuing education requirements of educational programs;

  • Introduction to the educational process of innovative technologies, advanced methods of teaching that promote independence and creative thinking of students;

  • Increase the level of responsibility of the teaching staff for the quality of training and development of students the necessary knowledge in accordance with the qualification requirements for the preparation of graduate’s Kazakh NRTU named after K. Satbayev;

  • Development and improvement of the students' creative thinking and independence in solving scientific problems, the deepening and consolidation of knowledge obtained during the training;

  • The formation of study groups in a healthy moral atmosphere of friendship and cooperation;

  • to form a certain set of personal qualities, general cultural and professional competencies sufficient for the formation of a modern advanced organization of activities in the country (region).


Prepare competitive, qualified specialists with a high level of intellectual, general cultural and professional competence in the field of technological machines and equipment.  Connect the theory with modern practices, using advanced educational technology.


The development strategy of the Department "Technological Machines and equipment" correlates with the vision and development strategy of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satbayev for 2022-2026.

Improvement of educational and scientific activities in order to improve the quality of training of specialists in the field of operation of technological machines and equipment.

Research activities of the Department

The teaching staff of the department includes the implementation of a number of research areas:

  • carrying out research within the framework of the cathedral and individual research topics;
  • implementation of projects on grant, program-targeted financing and commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (RNSTD);
  • participation in scientific conferences of various levels, seminars, advanced training courses, etc.

At present, the department is carrying out research work for a total amount of 1 235 300 432 tenge:

  • within the framework of Program-targeted financing for scientific, scientific and technical programs for 2023-2024, 1 project is being implemented for a total amount of 400.0 million tenge;
  • within the framework of the Zhas Ғalym Grant Funding - 3 projects totalling over 83 million tenge;
  • as part of the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, 2 projects are being implemented for a total amount of 649.82 million tenge.

Within the Grant financing on scientific, scientific-technical programmes for 2024-2026 - 1 project for the amount of more than 102 million tenge.

In addition to state-funded research, the teaching staff of the department are engaged in initiative topics with the involvement of students, especially undergraduates and doctoral students, whose dissertation topics are related to state-funded, contractual or initiative topics.

The results of scientific research are published in various scientific journals, including in rating journals indexed in Scopus databases with quartile Q1 and Q2 and the Russian Science Citation Index, as well as participate in scientific and practical conferences.


The Department of "Technological machines and Equipment" operates:

  • accredited laboratory "Operation of machines and automation of production complexes";
  • digital laboratories using VR technology:
  • virtual laboratory ‘Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles’ was opened in 2022 in cooperation with Porsche Centre Almaty LLP. The laboratory is equipped with 15 VR glasses and software. In this laboratory students perform practical exercises in a virtual environment on assembly and repair of motor vehicles with internal combustion engines.
  • virtual laboratory ‘Technique and technology of electric welding’. The laboratory is equipped with 15 VR glasses. In this laboratory students perform practical training in a virtual environment on manual and semi-automatic welding in shielding gases.
  • digital laboratory named after N.K. Davilbekov. N.K. Davilbekov digital laboratory, the laboratory is equipped with 15 VR glasses. In this laboratory students perform practical exercises in a virtual environment on assembly and repair of electric cars and accumulator batteries.
  • virtual laboratory ‘Assembly and repair of technological machines’. The laboratory is equipped with 15 VR glasses. In this laboratory students perform practical exercises in a virtual environment on assembly and assembly of technological equipment of heavy machine building.- training ground;
  • The WEG laboratory not only provides a platform for the introduction of advanced technologies, but also serves as a valuable resource for students seeking to gain practical experience and expand their knowledge. The opening of this lab represents a significant event not only for the university, but for the entire energy industry. It promises significant advances in predictive maintenance technologies for electric drive systems, which in turn can lead to significant improvements in the efficiency and reliability of power solutions;
  • Borusan Cat Kazakhstan classroom/auditorium has been opened in conjunction with Borusan Cat Kazakhstan; the classroom/auditorium includes demonstration racks with Caterpillar components, stands representing a range of mining equipment, and an interactive panel to show trainees how machine systems work and how to perform various tasks;
  • a training polygon;
  • Orionica LLP has fully equipped the computer lab to promote the training of engineering and technical personnel;
  • educational and production workshops.

The study areas of the auditorium and the laboratory comply with the requirements of current sanitary norms and rules.

Each laboratory is certified, has instructions on labor protection and electrical and fire safety.

A mini-production for the manufacture of polymer concrete products has been organized at the department.

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