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Scientific projects of the General Physics department

The research work of the department is carried out in accordance with the research plan of the University of KazNTU named after. K.I. Satpayev and the department’s research plan. Work in scientific areas requires employees to increase the efficiency of ongoing scientific research, taking into account their innovative focus and practical significance.

The teaching staff of the department is a highly qualified, professional team with various scientific areas; most teachers have extensive experience working at the university.

Teachers of the department actively participate in the implementation of research, design and scientific-methodological work, which is confirmed by reports on research and scientific-methodological work, participation in scientific conferences, and also have at least one scientific publication per year for each teacher over the past five years. Over the past 5 years, the teaching staff has carried out a number of scientific research and developments under various programs, grants from various funds, and international programs. Over the past 5 years, more than 30 articles have been published in foreign journals with a non-zero factor. Currently active scientific projects by department 9



Development of composite materials based on magnetite and 2D nanostructures and their use for water purification and desalinization

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Development of composite materials based on carbon nanotubes and magnetite nanoparticles for use as a radio-absorbing material for microwave radiation

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Dynamic and electrodynamic properties of plasma in an extreme state

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Study of the properties of positrons generated by runaway electrons in fusion reactors with magnetic confinement

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Thermodynamic and radiation properties of dense degenerate plasma

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“Study of the influence of hydrogenation and helium embrittlement processes in materials for dispersed nuclear fuel of HTGR type reactors”

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“Preparation and study of lithium-alloyed materials with a highly porous structure for use as the anode of lithium-ion batteries”

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Economic contract

Justification of the effectiveness of using high-temperature nanoceramic coating technology and its adaptability for various types of industrial boilers



Development and research of promising composite materials for energy and fuel cycle

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