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Department of Social Disciplines

The Department of Social Disciplines is a collective with a rich history, with deep knowledge and a high level of knowledge, operating since the foundation of the university.

The history of the Department of Social Disciplines begins with the opening of the Kazakh Mining and Metallurgical Institute in 1934. The first head of the Department of Philosophy was Professor Beisenbiev K.B. From 1964 to 1995, the department was headed by Academician D.K. Kishibekov. In 1996-2001, the department was headed by Professor U. Sydykov.

Among the heads of the university's history departments, a special place is occupied by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yerzhanov Akhmet Yerzhanovich. He lectured on the history, culture of our people in Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Turkey, made a great contribution to the popularization of domestic history abroad. He attracted talented youth to science, under his leadership he successfully defended 3 doctors and 18 candidates of sciences. They successfully work in different fields in different regions of the republic, make a significant contribution to the development of historical science of the country.

In order to perpetuate the memory of an outstanding teacher-scientist, the educational and methodological cabinet "History of Kazakhstan" of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev was named after Professor A.E. Erzhanov.

One of the persons who made a special contribution to the development of the department was academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, philosopher-scientist Dosmukhamed Kishibekovich Kishibekov. Dosmukhamed Kishibekovich from 1964 to recent years taught with honor at the department. For 32 years of work, he became the head of the department of philosophy. He has published over 600 editions on social sciences, including dozens of textbooks, study guides and monographs. Dosmukhamed Kishibekovich worked for many years as the secretary of the party committee of the university, for about 20 years he was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "For Engineering Personnel," published at this university. In honor of the great scientist, the educational and methodological department "Philosophy" of KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev was named after Academician D. Kishibekov.

It is worth noting the name of Ulykpan Sydykov, who in the history of the department of public disciplines with honor held leadership positions from the head of the department to the vice-rector of the university. He wrote more than 150 scientific and educational works. The author of textbooks on philosophy, political science, sociology.

Ulykpan Yesilkhanuly is an outstanding member of the Dos-Mukasan ensemble, created in 1967 within the walls of the institute, and the author of the songs Wedding Zhyr, Қuanyshym menің, Boizhetken, Ғashyқpyn, which have become favorite songs of young people throughout the country, reflecting the essence of the Dos-Mukasan ensemble.

A major organizer, teacher-scientist, cultural figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sydykov U. E. continues to work as an adviser to the rector and chairman of the "College of Elders" of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpaev. In April 2022, the Ulykpan Sydykov Creative Center was opened at the university.

Since 2001, the department was headed by professors G.Zh. Kenebaev, M.S. Mashan, associate professor R.N. Mazhidenov, in 2004-2008 the department was headed by Ph.D., professor L.Yu. Zainieva, in 2008-2011 Ph.D., professor K.K. Chatybekova, 2011 In 2016 was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Begalinova K.K..

The department received the status of a basic methodological center for the study of social disciplines among technical universities of the republic. The department is one of the leading educational, methodological and scientific structures of the university.

Many teachers of the Department of Social Disciplines are holders of the title "Best Teacher of the University," including G.M. Mendikulova, R.M. Mazhidenov, L.Yu. Zainiev, K.K.Kofoev. The faculty of the department was also awarded honorary titles and awards for his contribution to science and education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Over the years, the following scientific projects have been carried out on research and development. These are: "Socio-spiritual and political processes of Kazakh society in the context of countries that are part of the world information space": Scientific adviser: Professor U. Sydykov; "Monitoring the socio-psychological characteristics of technical college students": Scientific adviser: Professor U. Sydykov; "Modern History of Kazakhstan: Problems of Independent Development." Supervisor: D.I. Salkynbek; "The spiritual integrity of the Kazakh ethnic group": Supervisor - Kotosheva K.K.; "Values of scientific and technical education in sustainable industrial and innovative development.

The main mission of the department is to teach and educate undergraduate and graduate students and masters in the basics of social humanities; the formation of high moral and patriotic qualities, the active life position of a citizen, a feeling of love for the country, history and culture of Kazakhstan through the transfer of high-quality and advanced technologies.

To date, the staff of the Department of Public Disciplines continues its rich heritage. From September 2021, the department is headed by Ph.D., professor of the Anasova community K.T.

The educational activities of the department are carried out in the following areas:

"History of Kazakhstan," "Philosophy," "Socio-political knowledge" - at the undergraduate level, "History of Science and Philosophy," "Pedagogy of Higher Education," "Psychology of Management" - at the graduate level.

Faculty - professional specialists with extensive experience and academic degrees in Kazakh and foreign universities. Teachers of the department apply new and innovative technologies such as case herds, brainstorming, mapping, business games, gaming and others that meet the requirements of the modern market and the efficiency of the academic process. Critical thinking and creativity is one of the main criteria for evaluating the educational process of Satbayev University students.

The famous scientist-historian, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mendikulova Gulnara Malbagarovna made a significant contribution to the scientific and pedagogical work of the department. A specialist who is well versed in English, manages many international scientific projects, graduate students and doctoral students, contributes to the replenishment of the "clean pages" of the history of the Motherland. Professor G. M. Mendikulova in her professional activities worked at domestic scientific institutes and universities, as well as by special invitations in 1994 at Indiana University (Bloomington, USA), 1997 at the Oxford Islamic Research Center (Oxford, UK), 1999-2000. University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, USA), 2013-2014  experience at Boston University (Boston, USA). Currently, she shares a lot of experience accumulated at the Department of Social Disciplines of Satbayev University.

Professor G.M. Mendikulova was awarded the medal of the 120th anniversary of Satpayev K.I. (2019), the medal of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate (2016), the medal of Shakarim State University (2011), the badge "For Merit in the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and many other state diplomas.

In 2018-2020, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor under the leadership of G.M. Mendikulova, work was carried out on the scientific project No. AR05130249 "Kazakhs in World War II: new documents from foreign archives" in the priority direction of the scientific basis of the Mәңgіlіk El program. According to the results of scientific research, 2 volumes were published: Kazakhs of World War II: documents from foreign archives: collections of documents. - Almaty: Satbayev University, 2020. ISBN 978-601-323-139-6. ISBN 978-601-323-139-9.

Currently, the faculty of the department participates in the following projects:

- prof. Mendikulova G.M., PhD Ospanov T.T., PhD Sarybaev M.S. Smus MOOC DAAD cultural and Natural Heritage in Kazakhstan: ways of Strength protection MOOC Open Access Deadline from 2023 to June 2024. Supervisor - Prof. G.M. Mendikulova.

- Professor G.M. Mendikulova, executor of the Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS) International project, which is based at the Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) in Germany. The German Federal Ministry funds it for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) via the program “Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation – exceed” of the “German Academic Exchange Service” (DAAD). SMUS Local representative. Project start January 2020-end December 2024;

- D.I. Salkynbek, project executor, Scientific grant project of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021-2023). IRN No. AR09259247: "Preparation of a consolidated catalog of cartographic materials on the history of the XVII Kazakhstan - the beginning of the XXI century," Deadline from 2021 - December 2023;

- D.I. Salkynbek, project executor, Scientific grant project of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

IRN No. AR09259623: "History of the Atyrau region From antiquity to the present day" deadline 2021 - December 2023;

- N.M. Zykova, development of productive models of small and medium-sized business organization development portfolio management for Kazakhstan conditions based on ideas and principles of "Agile-technologies" for achieved results (AP 14871548). The deadline from 2022 is December 2024.

Currently, the Department of Public Disciplines is in close contact with foreign research centers and institutes: Cambridge University (UK), FMHS, Paris (France), University of Toronto (Canada), CEEMAN (USA), European University (Hungary), Jonnam National University (South Korea), Ankara University (Turkey) et al.

Professors of the department actively publish their scientific works in the journals "Impact Factor" (Web of Science, Scopus, Thomson Reuters):

1. Prof. Нуржанова А.М. Research and problems of medieval manuscripts in the persian language in Kazakhstan digitalization, cataloging work, European Journal of Science and Theology, October 2023, Vol.19, No.5, 25-37, Q1.

2. The Nature of the Development of the Cities of Semirechensk and Syrdarya Regions. Bylye Gody, 2023, 18(1), p.503–510, , Q1.

3. PhD Sarybaev M.S. "Gender Policy in Kazakhstan. Journal of International Women's StudiesТом 24, 1May 2022. 25 – (4-цит), Q3

4. PhD Оспанов Т.Т. "«Comparative analysis of moral and spiritual values in the philosophy of Confucius and I. Kant» Philosophy Today,, Q2

The Department of Public Disciplines annually holds international and scientific and practical conferences and round tables with the participation of foreign scientists and experts: the international conference "Independent Kazakhstan: 30-year classes and development prospects," held on November 17, 2021;

January 10, 2023 - scientific and practical conferences                                                                        

Teachers of the Department of Ph.D. on September 18-29, 2023 N.M. Zykova and Senior Lecturer G.B. Esbergenova, together with the educational and methodological department of the Office of the Registrar and the Department for Work with Corporate Clients, organized a refresher course for young teachers Satbayev University. The amount of the course is 72 hours, as a result of which certificates are issued.

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