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Educational Methodical Council

Educational and Methodological Board (hereinafter - the Board) is a form of the collegial management at the NP JSC "Kazakh National Research Technical University" (hereinafter – KazNRTU), which is established for the overall management and coordination of the educational and methodical work of the KazNRTU’s structural subdivisions in order to improve the educational and methodical work of the whole University. In its activities, the Board abides by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «on education».  


1. Key Functions of the Board


The following main objectives are set before the Board:

1. Organization of quality monitoring for the methodical maintenance of the educational process at KazNRTU;

2. Planning, organization of assessment and recommendations for the publication of educational, methodical, scientific and methodical literature, handbooks and other materials published at KazNRTU;

3. Methodical maintenance and improvement of the educational process at KazNRTU;

4. Compilation and dissemination of the best practices for the organization and improvement of the educational- and scientific-methodical work;

5. Improvement of the Professional development program, re-education and certification for teaching and research staff, analysis the content of the educational process;

6. Preparation of recommendations for the development of the quality management system and implementation of teaching materials results in the educational process;

7. Coordination of the methodical work at KazNRTU and methodical work of the committees and commissions;

8. Organization of work on the implementation of new and improvement of existing technologies, methods, means of instruction at the university, Curriculum & Instruction Departments and EMA (РУМС) sections;

9 Organization of creative (permanent and temporary) centers of the educational and methodological associations for teachers;

10 Coordination of the work for improvement of the scientific and methodological potential of the teaching staff;

11 Elaboration of the proposals for the development of education and the formation of priorities for their implementation;

12 Participation in the certification of the KazNRTU’s employees.


Principal directions of the Board functions

The Principal directions of the Board functions are:

1 Organization of expertise for the working syllabus and working curriculum to meet the requirements of the compulsory State education standards;

2 Review and approval of the work layout of methodical councils, departments and academic calendars of the university programs;

3 Consideration of learning and teaching support for the educational process at KazNRTU;

4 discussion and making suggestions for improvement of the draft legal documents relating to methodological support of the university;

5 organization of the development of handbooks, guidance manuals, including electronic media, and teaching materials;

6 discussion of the proposals on the improvement of the list of specialties (professions), based on forecasting of priority directions of science and manufacturing technologies;

7 consideration of the introduction of various forms of methodological work aimed at improving the educational process and to provide practical assistance to teachers;

8 review and approval of the catalog of elective courses;

9 Prerequisites and post-requisites approval;

10 questions for development and expertise of examination materials and other forms of monitoring students' progress;

11 questions of methodical maintenance for the independent work of students and the independent work of students under surveillance;

12 organization of seminars, conferences, meetings on the improvement of the educational- and scientific-methodical work;

13 organization and planning of the educational process (training sessions, examinations schedule);

14 Review and approval of the annual work plans and reports of the departments, deans’ and teachers’ work;

15 review and approval of the calculated academic workload of the faculty, the academic workload distribution plan among faculty members, reports on the actual implementation of the academic workload by the faculty, and the academic calendar.

16 discussion and approval of the training programs in certain disciplines;

17 discussion of the proposals on the improvement of the list of specialties (professions), based on forecasting of the priority directions of science and manufacturing technologies.


1. Composition of the Board

1 The Board consists of the representatives of academic departments, faculties, departments, heads of the departments involved in the teaching and guiding at KazNRTU, teachers. The Board may also include representatives of the student body.

2 The Board of Management is performed by the Chairman - Vice-rector for academic affairs. During the absence of the President, the Vice-Director of SAD will replace the President.

3 Members of the Board approved by order of the Rector on the proposal of the Vice-rector for academic affairs.

4 From among the Board members, the Secretary is elected by the open ballot system.

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