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Graduates of the M&MP Department

The special pride and achievement of the department of MMP (the successor of the departments of MNFM and MPMMP) are graduates, among whom are prominent scientists and heads of enterprises of the mining and metallurgical industry, ministers, rectors and various figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology, 19 graduates were awarded the USSR State Prizes and 9 - the Kazakh SSR State Prizes. Prominent metallurgical scientists, academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan: E.A. Buketov, R.A. Isakova, L.P. Nee, N.S. Bekturganov; Corresponding Member of NAS RK: I.A. Onaev, B.B. Beisembaev, N.A. Baitenev, I.R. Polyvyannyi.

Many graduates held major managerial positions at leading enterprises of the mining and metallurgical industry of Kazakhstan: director of the UKLZC, holder of two orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Khalyk Khaharmany A.S. Kulenov; Director of UKTMC, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, holder of the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor M.K. Baibekov; President of Industrial Corporation Yuzhpolymetal JSC T.K. Asambaev; President of UKTMC JSC, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR, holder of the Order “Znak Pocheta”, “Otan” B.M. Shayakhmetov; Director of UKLZC N.S. Kasenov; Director of the Zhezkazgan Copper Smelting Plant, Doctor of Technical Sciences, holder of the Order of "Qurmet" K.D. Teleshev, etc.

Among the graduates of the department there are 3 ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan (B.B. Atamkulov - former Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development, N.S. Bekturganov - former Minister of Education and Science, N.A. Iskakov - former Minister of Ecology and Environmental Protection),; 2 rectors of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (former rector Aktau State University - A.A. Abzhapparov and former rector Kostanay State University - Kh.Kh. Valiev).

Currently, the pride of the department are graduates: Director of the Department of Integrated Technologies Development and Investment Planning Kazakhmys Corporation LLP Ospanov E.A., Chief Concentrator of KAZ Minerals LLP Dzhetybaeva U.K., General Director of Kyzylkum LLP NAC Kazatomprom JSC Aidүysenov B.A., Director of the Department for the Development of Prospective Fields Kazakhmys Corporation LLP Arinov A.K., General Director of Tekturmasskiye Quartzites LLP Abenov N.A., Deputy Director for Science of KazHydroMed LLP Korabaev A.S., General Director of LLC Valentorsky Copper Quarry Kozlov M. N., Technical Director of Gurvansaikhan LLP (Mongolia and Czechoslovakia) E.O. Battalov, Production Director of JV Katko LLP, JSC NAC Kazatomprom (RK) and Orano (France) U. Masimkhanov, Chief Engineer of the Irkol mine, Semizbai- U LLP, JSC NAC Kazatomprom (RK) and CNGP (China) Kalymbetov J., Deputy Head of the Production Department of LLP «JV Katko» JSC «NAC Kazatomprom» (RK) and Orano (France) Karakhan A., Head of Technology Service of LLP «JV Katko» JSC «NAC Kazatomprom» (RK) and Orano (France) Kalmukambetov A.O., Chief Production Director, Member of the Board of JSC NAC Kazatomprom Omarbekov K.A. et al.

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