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Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

The department of “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” was organized on the basis of two specialized departments of the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technologies in July 2019 and is the successor to such departments as “High molecular compounds”, “Chemical technology of oil, gas and polymer processing”, “Chemical technologies of organic substances and polymers", "Applied chemistry", "Applied ecology", "Life safety

The heads and members of the departments were such outstanding scientists as Shaikhutdinov E.M., Yermagambetov M.E., Nurkeyev S.S., Musina U.Sh., Akhmedova G.R., Sariev B.E., Loiko Z.K. ., Bayarstanova Zh.Zh., Boyko G.I., Arkhipova I.A., Yeligbaeva G.Zh., Rafikova Kh.S., and others.

Currently, the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering ( CaBE ) is a part of the Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Engineering named after K. Turysov KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev .

High standards of student education are supported by qualified teaching staff and educational support staff with extensive practical and scientific-pedagogical experience.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the annual competitive selection of the best of the best in the teaching profession, awarded the “The Best Teacher of University” award to the following members of the department: Selenova B.S. (2018), Rafikova Kh.S. (2019), Nakan U. (2020), Kosalbaev B.D. (2021), Kabdrakhmanova S.K. (2022), Belkozhaev A.M. (2023)

Currently, teachers with academic degrees and titles are successfully working at the department: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Ermagambetov M.E., Professor Boyko G.I., Professor Selenova B.S.; Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Anapiyaev B.B.; Ph.D. associated professors - Kerimkulova A.Zh., Mangazbaeva R.A., Mataeva Z.T., PhD , associate professors - Nauryzova S.Z., Berillo D.A., Aitkalieva G.S., Rafikova Kh.S., Khabiev A.T., Kosalbaev B.B., Nakan U. , Tastambek K.T., Kenzhebaeva B.A. Every year, teachers take advanced training courses, internships under the Bolashak program.

An agreement on double-diploma master's programs was signed with Baku State University .

Instagram biochem_su

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