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Scientific projects of the Kazakh and Russian languages department

KRLD staff conducts scientific and methodological research, the outcomes of which are publications included in the Scopus database, as well as publications in national and foreign publications, the introduction of scientific research results into the educational process (Turkey, Germany, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, etc.)

One of the priority areas of Department teachers’ scientific research is the topic of the initiative project “Leveled language teaching at a technical university” in connection with the introduction of leveled language teaching in the 2016 academic year.

Department teachers take an active part in scientific research and grant projects.

Successfully completed the research work on the topic “Innovations in special vocabulary in geology, geodesy, geography: unification and lexicography” under the grant project of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020. Supervisor – the head of the department Ph.D. Uderbayev A.Zh.; participants: Doctor of Philology, Prof. Zhaksylikova K.B., Ph.D. Zhonkeshov B.S.

The research work on the grant project “Zhas Galym” for 2022-2024 is conducted. Topic – “Creation of a sample of first-level tasks in the process of studying the state language for students of technical universities based on the frequency dictionary of the Kazakh language” (supervisor – PhD, Karbozova B.D.); furthermore assoc. prof., Ph.D. Isabekova U.K. participates in a grant project for 2023-2025 on the topic “Transit of cultural values in time and space” within the framework of the PTF.

Since the beginning of 2023, under a business agreement with the KazEnergy Association, the project “Creation of a unified Kazakh-Russian and Russian-Kazakh dictionary of terminologies for the oil refining and petrochemical industries in the Republic of Kazakhstan” has been implemented (supervisor – Uderbaev A.Zh.; participants: Baybatsha A.B. , Zhaksylikova K.B., Abdiev K.Zh., Sadykov B.B., Zhonkeshov B.S., Moldamuratov S.).

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