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Scientific projects in the field of Logistics

The teaching staff of the logistics direction participates in the competitions of grant financing and commercialization of scientific projects of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

At present the research work on the theme IRN BR21882292 "Integrated development of sustainable construction industry: innovative technologies, optimization of production, efficient use of resources and creation of technological park" for the period from October 1, 2023, to December 31, 2025, is being carried out. The research group includes the head of the EP Mukhanova G., Prof. Bekzhanova S., associate Prof. Bolatkyzy S., doctoral students Li M., Yusupova K. and Tolkynbek N.

  The teaching staff publishes articles in rating journals indexed in SCOPUS database, in journals recommended by CQASHE MSHE RK and conferences.

Students' research and development work (SRW)

Every year we organize the International Student Logistics Olympiad. The Olympiad is a great opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge, compete and learn new things from experts in the field of logistics.

We support active participation of our students in international and national logistics Olympiads, namely:

- International Logistics Olympiad, Volgograd branch of Plekhanov Russian Economic University. (Volgograd, Russia);

- International Student Olympiad "Logistics and Supply Chain Management" within the framework of the All-Russian Festival "Science 0+", State University of Railways and Messages (Novosibirsk, Russia).

- Youth Forum of Transport Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the Union of Transport Workers "KazLogistics».

- Republican Student Olympiad of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the educational program "Logistics".

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