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Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Institute of Energy and Mechanical engineering trains specialists for time-demanded industries, has half a century of experience in scientific and pedagogical activity within the walls of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev.

It was established on the basis of the faculty of Mechanical Engineering, organized in 1977 as part of the V.I.Lenin Kazakh Polytechnic Institute.

In 1959, the Department of Mechanical engineering technology was opened, and in 1961, for the first time in Kazakhstan, admission of students to the specialty – "Mechanical engineering technology, metal-cutting machines and tools" was opened.

Thanks to the organizational talent and high professionalism of the first dean of the Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Honorary professor of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev M.K.Kurmangaliev, the Alma-Ata Heavy engineering plant provided great assistance in training personnel, equipping the department with machines, tools and other devices, as well as in organizing scientific research and financing their.

At various times, the department was headed by doctor of technical sciences, professor M.R.Tusupbekov, doctor of technical sciences, professor A.N.Nurzhanov, doctor of technical sciences, professor S.N.Ignatov, doctor of technical sciences, professor T.M.Mendebaev.

The first graduation of mechanical engineers in correspondence and evening forms of study took place in 1967. Then 112 people received diplomas. Over the following years, the department has trained more than 12,000 engineers in full-time, evening and correspondence forms of education.

In 1981, the department of "Machine tool construction and automation" became independent departments, and in 1990 – "Technology of structural materials and foundry production".

Since 1995, the department has been headed by corresponding member of the International Academy of science and higher education, doctor of technical sciences, professor T.M.Mendebaev.

Professor T.M.Mendebaev paid special attention to the implementation of the educational process in the state language. Since 1986, he has been constantly developing and creating educational and methodological publications in the Kazakh language, including 1 electronic textbook co-authored in Russian, 8 textbooks, 4 textbooks and 1 monograph in the state language. For the first time in Kazakhstan, he developed textbooks and textbooks on mechanical engineering technology, machine manufacturing technology in the official language. In 2001, Professors M.R. Tusupbekov and T.M. Mendebaev were awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the creation of a technical dictionary on mechanical engineering at kaz. and russ. languages.

Since 2022, the Department of Mechanical Engineering has been headed by Associate Professor Nugman Ye.Z. In 2021, the newly created Department of Mechanical Engineering, Standardization, Certification and Metrology was headed by Associate Professor. Isametova M.E. Currently, associate professors Nugman Ye.Z.., Smailova G.A., Alimbetov A.B., Uderbayeva A.E., Professor, associate professor Kerimzhanova M.F., teacher Bazarbay B.B. received a PhD in November 2023, teacher Bekbosynova B.A. received a PhD in January 2023 year., teacher Abilezova G.S. she completed an internship in the framework of the 500 Scientists program in Leicester, England, De Montfort University, in November 2023 she received a PhD in philosophy, associate Professor Mustafa A.K. completed an internship under the BOLASHAK program at the Dresden Technical University, associate Professor Abilkayir J.N. received a PhD in January 2023 of the year.

The staff of the department actively participates in career guidance work, in scientific research, in the development of modern digital technologies in mechanical engineering.

Research activities

The department cooperates with universities of Kazakhstan in the field of educational and scientific works: D.Serikbayev EKTU (Ust-Kamenogorsk), Semipalatinsk state university named after Shakarim, Aktau university named after Yessenov, KarSTU (Karaganda); with universities of CIS countries – Kyrgyz state technical university named after I.Razzakov, Bauman Moscow state technical university, Stankin Moscow state technical University, Istanbul Technical University, etc.

In different years, professor, Dr. Techn worked at the department.V.V. Povetkin, under his leadership, a number of research projects were carried out to improve reliability, productivity, design and technological parameters of machines and equipment. Professor, Dr. Tech.S.A. Mashekov headed the scientific school in the field of materials processing by pressure (1957-2021). In December 2022, the research project of Prof. Mashekova S.A. "Development of a new design of a pressing device and a chamber with a gas-dynamic installation with software control for the manufacture of high-quality products with additive technology" under the scientific supervision of Professor, Academician NAS RK, Doctor of Technical Sciences Absadykova B.N.

Under the scientific guidance of Isametova M.E. carries out research projects: "Development of the design of a centrifugal pump with increased performance indicators", "Development of innovative technologies to ensure the improvement of energy efficiency and reliability of centrifugal pumps produced in Kazakhstan" (until now).

The department annually submits applications for participation in grant financing, commercialization of scientific and technical activities.

Educational and production base

M.E. Isametova created the first Competence Center in the CIS "Laboratory of Digital Design of technological Equipment" together with MSC Software company at the department. The center is equipped with modern 3D printers and 3D scanners.

There is a laboratory of digital design of technological equipment, construction and design, metalworking equipment, CNC machines, a laboratory of metrology, a laboratory of machines and technology for processing new materials. Research work is carried out at the experimental site of the department.

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