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Working off the State-funded education grants

From 2021, students of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, who have studied at the State’s expense on a state-funded education grant, after graduating from the university must work in the obtained specialty for 3 years. Ggraduates can work the prescribed period on specialization in organizations, regardless of the form of ownership.  

A rule has also been introduced on the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the State for the training of a person, owning the grant, commensurate with the actual period of study. That is, if a student has studied for two years on a grant and then transferred to a fee-paying basis, he will have to work off the time corresponding to the number of years of free education. The same rule applies to students studying for a fee-paying basis, and then they compete for vacant places on a grant.  

What is the length of time that a grant-aided graduate is given to seek employment in a specialty?  

Referrals are made in advance by the Graduate Selection Commission established by the University. The graduates must start working from 1 September in the year of graduation from a higher education institution.  

What is the liability of a graduate who has not taken up a job in his specialty?  

In case of non-fulfillment of work obligations, liability is provided for reimbursement of training costs.   

When is it not necessary to work off the state grant?  

In case of payment of tuition fees and  

  • absence of vacancies in the locality in the place of residence, work, or service of the spouse(s);  
  • having a group I and II disability;  
  • entry for further residency studies based on a State educational order, master’s degree, doctoral degree;  
  • being pregnant;   
  • independently raising a child (children) under the age of three years, there is no need to work.  


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