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Department of Documentation Provision and State Language Development

The Department of Documentation Provision and State Language Development (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a structural Division of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev (hereinafter referred to as the University or KazNRTU).

The key goal of the Department is to carry out the effective documentation management aimed at achieving the strategic and current missions of the University.

In order to achieve this goal, the Department shall pursue the following tasks

  • organization of the effective documentation provision of the University activities;
  • organization and  provision of formation, preservation and use of documents of the archive fund on the basis of unified principles established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • creation and maintenance of the conditions necessary for the implementation of the state policy in the development of the state language.

The Department Core Functions are:

  • to receive, to process, to register, to mail the external correspondence (incoming, outgoing), to control the deadlines;
  • to register and issue of letterheads of letters, protocols, orders;
  • to keep records of University Divisions seals and stamps;
  • to improve the documentation provision at the University using the modern digital technologies in the documents preparation and processing;
  • to provide the methodological and practical assistance to еру structural subdivisions with the paper works, holding the briefings on office work for the employees of subdivisions;
  • to compile the list of University affairs, the list of unregistered documents;
  • to control over the proper formation of files to be deposited in the archive;
  • to accept documents for storage in the archive and to ensure their preservation;
  • to issue the archive certificates, extracts from documents, copies of documents;
  • to organize the examination of the documents’ value when they are transferred to the State Archive for permanent and long-term storage;
  • to maintain correspondence with the State Archive regarding the annual certification of the University;
  • to provide the translation of documents into the state language: internal regulatory documents of the 1-st level;
  • to provide the verification and correction of documents: internal regulatory documents of the 2nd, 3rd levels, orders and directives of vice-rectors, other documents as directed by the Head of the Board Staff;
  • to control the records keeping in the state language in structural subdivisions;

Each employee of the Department is bears full responsibility for the preservation and non-disclosure of any confidential information, access to which is obtained due to the performance of their official duties.

Ensuring the working conditions and safety of personnel is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the regulatory documentation of the University.


Address: Almaty city, 22A Satpayeva St. (corner of Masanchi St.), Oil Building, room 201(2-d floor), tel.: +7 (727) 292 64 20.

Working hours: Monday – Friday 08:30 -17:30, Lunch break 13:00 - 14:00.

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