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Department of "Higher Mathematics and Modeling"

The history of department begins in 1934 due to opening Mining and smelting institute there was organized department of «High Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics».

The first head of the department was V.I. Volovik (from 1934-1935). In 1935, the department was headed by a graduate of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, Ermek Alimkhan. He published the first textbook in the Kazakh language, and was the first Kazakh mathematician to receive the title of Professor. However, he was not spared by the fate of many outstanding people of that time. In 1938 he was declared an “Alash-Orda” and was repressed. Over the years, the department was headed by: Associate Professor N.S. Starkov (from 1937-1941 and 1943-1952); Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N.I. Akhiezer (from 1941-43); Professor S.I. Gorshin (from 1952-1962); Associate Professor O.M. Khaimuldin (from 1962-1972); Associate Professor U.K. Kalizhanov (from 1972-1979); Professor E.M. Khairullin (from 1979-2000).

In 1995 «Applied mathematics» department was opened and headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor A. S. Sakabekov. In 1999 the department was taken the status of the releasing department and began preparation in the specialty: «Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics».

In July, 2000 «Applied Mathematics» and «High Mathematics» departments were integrated into «Mathematics» of Natural and Humanitarian Institute after Al-Mashani.

The first head of department became Professor A.S. Sakabekov.

In 2002-2004 the department was headed by Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.B. Tungatarov, and in 2004-2016 by Professor O.S. Satybaldiev, in 2016-2019 the department was headed by Professor of Kazakh State Agrarian University, Associate Professor R.T. Keltenova.

Teachers of the department annually took part in the competition "The best teacher of the year" and win government grants of MES. The following teachers were winners: E.A. Kasymov in 2006, K.A. Khasseinov in 2005 and 2006, E.Zh. Aidos in 2006, Zh.O. Otarbayev in 2006, O.S. Satybaldiyev in 2007, E.M. Khairullin in 2009.

The department «Mathematics» was the leading organization for the defense of Candidate and Doctoral Theses in the specialty: 01.01.02 – «Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics». It prepared bachelors in the specialty: 510230 – «Applied Mathematics and Computer Science» with the qualification «System Programmer, Mathematician-Engineer», an expert in Mathematical Modeling and Forecasting.

In 2007 a new specialty 050705 «Mathematical and Computer Modeling» was opened at the department. Graduates receive an academic Bachelor’s degree in engineering and technology. In September 2008, the department opened the Master's program in the specialty: 5М070500 – «Mathematical and Computer Modeling».

March 15, 2019 «Scientific and Educational Center» of «Mathematics and Cybernetics» was created under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. N.S. Dairbekov, which became part of the Institute of Information and Telecommunication Technologies. On the same day, the department «Mathematics» became part of the «SEC MaK». The laboratories «Sigma Lab» and «Kuda Lab» have been transferred to the disposal of «SEC MaK».

In 2019-2021 «SaEC MaK» conducted weekly seminars in the following areas:

1 «Traffic flow management» is conducted under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N.S. Dairbekov.
2 «Analysis on stratified sets» is conducted under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences O.M. Penkin.
3 «Logistics task» is conducted under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences N.S. Dairbekov.
4 «Financial seminar» is conducted under the guidance of Associate Professor R.T. Keltenova.
Joint seminars of the departments «SEC MaK» and «Applied Mechanics» were also held.


Goals & Objectives

The main objective of the department of «Higher Mathematics and Modeling», as well as the «Institute of Automation and Information Technologies», is the organization and implementation of the educational process, research activities and innovative works conforming to modern requirements for the training of highly qualified and competitive specialists.

As a leading technical university, Kazakh National Research Technical University after K.I. Satpayev contributes to the intellectual and professional development of society by preparing specialists with a technical education of the new generation.

The mission of the Department of «Higher Mathematics and Modeling» is to implement the main task of the university - to ensure the training of a new competitive generation of technical specialists for the innovative economy of Kazakhstan.

It is carried out by:

– development of students through research and development of students' professional competence by using their own scientific results agreed with employers and university partners;

– participation in the development of educational programs and technologies, taking into account the priority areas of science and technology (new technologies of the hydrocarbon complex and petrochemicals, development of the mining, geological and metallurgical industries, construction industry and housing and communal services, innovative technologies of the energy complex, mechanical engineering, information and communication and space technologies);

– development of university-industry cooperation and partnerships with scientific organizations, schools, gymnasiums and colleges;

– continuous professional development of teachers and staff through the development of additional educational and training programs;

– ensuring the quality of educational services conforming to the modern requirements of consumers through the continuous implementation of modern innovative learning technologies;

– improving the educational and methodical activities of teaching staff of the department, the integration of education, science and production.

The aim of the department in the field of quality is the fulfillment of requirements in the quality management system regulated by the international standard KazNITU-01-2022 "Quality management systems".


Scientific areas and research SRW (SRWS)

In 2015-2017, the department of «Mathematics» carried out research work on the topic: «Development of a methodology for designing high-tech completion schemes for horizontal and inclined wells».

Direction: Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products. Grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the amount of funding was about 12 million tenge. Scientific supervisor is associate professor B.Zh. Sagyndykov.

Since January 2018, research has been carried out on the basis of agreement

№ 110 dated 03/05/2018 with a government agency: Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Direction: Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products,

№ AР05133634. In 2018-2020 the volume of grant funding was 30 million tenge. Scientific supervisor is Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.S. Sakabekov.

In the scientific laboratory "SIGMA Labs" workshops are regularly held with the participation of well-known scientists, teaching staff of the department, bachelors and undergraduates of various specialties of KazNRTU under the guidance of associate professor M.M. Sarsengeldin.

At the Workshops, students and undergraduates made presentations of scientific articles from international journals included in the Thomson Reuters database.

Since 2018, the department has been publishing the «International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Modeling». It is published in “DE GRUYTER POLAND” (Bogumila Zuga, 32A, street 01-811, Warsaw, Poland).

In scientific work, the department maintains close relationships with the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the Mathematical Institute named after V.A. Steklov, Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), Institute of Applied Mathematics named after M.V. Keldysh (Moscow), Institute of Problems of Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Teachers of the department actively make presentations at International scientific conferences and symposiums.

According to the work plan, the department hosts annual university student Olympiads in mathematics among bachelors, Internet Olympiads and student scientific conferences.

Over the years, the teaching staff of the department and students of KazNRTU were the winners of International Olympiads. A. Kalesheva (4th year student, specialty 5В070800) is a winner of the national championship of the Open International Student Internet Olympiad in Mathematics, took part in the super final of this Olympiad in Ariel (Israel), September 2016. Ariel University expressed deep gratitude to the rector of KazNITU I.K. Beisembetov for the participation of the university student team and associate professor Zh.Zh. Shatmanov as a jury member in the super final of the International Internet Olympiad. Also, in December 2021, students, led by S.N. Madalieva, actively participated in the Republican Olympiad in Mathematics in Astana, where they earned high places.

At the Department of «Higher Mathematics and Modeling», Internet Olympiads are held among bachelors who want to enroll in a master's program in the specialty: 6M070500 «Mathematical and Computer Modelling».

Since October 2020-2023, the department has been conducting research work in according with the agreement № 110 dated 03/05/2018, the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Direction: rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products. Scientific project is «Determination of aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft using a non-stationary non-linear one-dimensional system of moment equations», №AP08856926. The volume of financing is 42 million 124 thousand tenge. The scientific supervisor of the project is Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.S. Sakabekov.

As to the project «On algebraic and definable closures in new strongly minimal theories», № AP09058419, the volume of financing is 18 million 500 thousand tenge. Scientific supervisor is Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.V. Verbovsky.


Educational programs.

Educational and methodical work

1 The Department of «Higher Mathematics and Modeling» is the graduating department in the specialty: 5В070500 and 5М070500 – «Mathematical and Computer Modeling» and supervises the educational program of this specialty.

2 In December 2018, for the undergraduate educational programs of KazNRTU specialties, a description of the cycle of mathematical disciplines was developed in accordance with the SES of Higher Education 2018 in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English).

3 New educational programs have been developed for 1, 1.5 and 2-year Master's and Doctoral programs in a new specialty: 7M06105 «Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence» in three languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian and English) and 8D06104 – «Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence».

4 The department has prepared and published textbooks and teaching aids in Kazakh, Russian and English by such authors as: O.S. Satybaldiev, E.T. Bozhanov, E.M. Khairullin, E.A. Kasymov, S.B. Aubakir, E.Zh. Aidos, K.A. Khaseinov, U.B. Zhanbyrbaeva, B.Zh. Sagindykov, V.V. Verbovsky., G.D. Smatova, B.S. Turusbekova.

SEC "MaK" supervised the following educational programs:

1 5В070500 / 6В06103 - «Mathematical and Computer Modeling»;

2 7М06105 «Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence», 6М070500 – «Mathematical and Computer Modeling»;

3 8D06104 – «Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence».

In August 2021, due to the reorganization of the Scientific Education Center of «Mathematics and Cybernetics» (SEC MaK), the department of «Higher Mathematics», which is part of the Institute of Basic Education (IBE), was formed on its basis. Еhe department of «Higher Mathematics» was headed by Associate Professor Zhomart Ualiev.

At 01.09.2022, due to the reorganization of the IBE, the department of «Higher Mathematics» became part of the Institute of Automation and Information Technologies (IAaIT) and was called «Higher Mathematics and Modelling». Three educational programs were transferred from the Department of «Engineering Mechanics and Modeling»:

1 6B06103 – «Mathematical and Computer Modeling»;

2 7M06105 – «Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence»;

3 8D06104 – «Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence».

From 12/15/2022 the department is headed by Associate Professor G. Tulesheva. Currently, the department has 25 full-time teachers, including: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences – 1, Associate Professors – 13, Ph.D. – 1, Senior Teachers - 8, of which 5 are masters with an academic degree, part-time teachers - 10.

In June 2023 two new educational programs were opened:

1 7М061100 – «Digital modeling»;

2 8D06105 – «Digital modeling».

The mission of the educational program: 7M06110 – «Digital modeling» is aimed at preparing masters who can independently solve a wide range of engineering problems using modern analytical, numerical and experimental methods and methods of mathematical and computer modeling. The goal of the program is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of mathematical computer modeling with innovative problem solving skills in their field of knowledge.

The mission of the new educational program 8D06105 – «Digital modeling» is to purposefully train specialists with valuable knowledge in mathematical and digital modeling among a huge number of specialists in computer science and information technology.

To improve the qualifications and quality of teaching mathematics, the teaching staff of the Department of «Higher Mathematics and Modeling» regularly conducts training seminars on academic disciplines on the Coursera platform.

Department of "Higher Mathematics and Modeling"

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