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Institute of Automation and Information Technologies


Institute was founded in 1962 on the basis of the existed two faculties of Automation and Telematics, and Computing Technics with a name of Automation and Computing Technics. Academic of Kazakhstan SSR Academy of Science, professor Dzholdasbekov Umierbek Arislanovich became the first dean of this facultiy. In the consequent years faculty  was headed by professor Zub V.P. (1965-1967), doctor of sciences professor Rakishev B.R. (1967-1974), candidate of technical science professor Kozhaspayev N.K. (1975-1977), doctor of science professor Sydikov U.E. (1977-1980).

In 1980, bacause of high number of students and different specialities, faculity was divided into two independant branches – Automatics and Control, Electronic and Computing Technics.

In different years Automatics and Control faculty was headed by Nietalin Zh.N – the first candidate of technical science and first professor of Republic of Kazakhstan in the area of automated systems of communication (1980-1986), professor Asubayev K.SH. (1986-1992), doctor of technical sciences professor Baibashayev M.Sh. (1992-2000).

Heads of Electronic and Computing Technis were Sydykov U.Ye. (1980-1983), Sapyrbekov Zh.S. (1983-1996), candidate of technical science professor Koshimbayev Sh. K. (1996-2000).

In 2000 the two faculties were merged again into Instutue of Informatics and Information Technologies with the head of the faculty doctor of technical science Kaziyev G.Z.

In 2003 Instute of  Informatics and Information Technologies was splited into two institutes — Information Techonogies, and Automation and Control. The dean of Information Technologies became Kaziyev G.Z., and the dean of Instutue of Automatino and Control became Baibatshayev M.Sh.

In 2005, Baybatshaev M.Sh. became the director of Institute of Information Techonogies and worked until 2011. Director of Automation & Control from 2005 till 2008 was Kaziev G.Z.

In 2008, the Institute of Automation and Telecommunications was established on the basis of the Institute of Automation and Control due to the transfer from the IT Institute of the specialty “Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications”, the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Beisembaev A.A. was appointed a director. He worked in this position until 2011.

In 2011, the Institute of Information and Telecommunication Technologies was organized on the basis of IT and Automation & Telecommunications Institutes. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Akhmetov B.S. was apointed a Director of the Institute, who worked in this position until 2017.

In 2011, during the restructuring of the university, the institute included the departments of Automation and Control, Information Security, Computer and Software Engineering, Information Technology, Informatics, Mathematics, Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, and Robotics and technical means of automation and Electrical Engineering.

In 2017 - 2018, the Director of the Institute was Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Mukhamediev R.I.

In 2018 - 2019, the director of the institute was Doctor in Computer Science, Umarov T.F.

On August 20, 2019, Seylova Nurgul Abadullaevna, candidate of technical sciences in the specialty of System analysis, management and information processing, assistant professor, was appointed director of the institute. Seilova N.A. graduated from Kazakh National Technical University. K.I. Satpayev. In 2013-2014 she worked as a deputy director of the Institute of Information and Telecommunication Technologies for educational, methodological and scientific work. In 2014-2019 she was the Head of the Department of Information Security, that is now named The Department of Cybersecurity, Processing and Storage of Information.


Goals and objectives

The main objective of the Institute is to create the necessary conditions for quality education aimed at the formation, development, professional formation of the person on the basis of national and universal values, the achievements of science and practice.

The main objectives of the Institute are:

- organization and implementation of the educational process, methodical, research, innovation and civil patriotic work,  meeting the modern requirements of preparation of the qualified competitive frames;

- training of qualified specialists possessing   professional competences and   general cultural competences  in the field of information and telecommunications technologies;

- fundamental and applied research, dissemination and promotion of scientific knowledge in the field of information and telecommunication technologies.


Mission and Strategy

The mission of Institute is training of the highly qualified specialists by  specialties of IT meeting the requirements of consumers on the basis of implementation of the modern educational technologies and continuous improvement of teaching and methodological activities of the teaching staff  of the Institute.             


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