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Practice of the Department of Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology

The program of educational practice at the training ground of KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev "Sayasu" in the Karatau mountains in the Zhambyl region

Duration 2 weeks. The program is intended for full–time undergraduate students majoring in 6B05204 – "Hydrogeology and Geoecology", 6B07211 - "Hydrogeology and engineering Geology".

According to the curriculum of the bachelor's degree 6B05204 - "Hydrogeology and geoecology", 6B07211 – "Hydrogeology and engineering geology". Specialized practice in hydrogeology and engineering geology and geoecology after the 1st year is conducted at the KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev "Sayasu" training ground in the Karatau mountains in the Zhambyl region.

The territory of the practice area is characterized by a wide variety of geostructural features and hydrogeological conditions, which is expressed in the variety of aquifers and complexes, various conditions of their nutrition, occurrence and discharge. Most of the territory of the training ground consists of rocky Proterozoic and Paleozoic rocks containing fractured and fractured karst waters. The rest is occupied by Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments enclosing groundwater with a free surface level. There are many groundwater outlets in the form of springs, active water intakes and individual hydrogeological wells of interest to students.

The objectives of the practice are to consolidate the theoretical and practical knowledge gained by students while studying the disciplines of the course of hydrogeology and engineering geology, as well as the extended study and practical development of research methods to substantiate construction projects.


The content of the professional practice program

Duration of 8 weeks. This practice is based on and reinforces the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the study of disciplines included in the sections of the basic and variable parts of the curriculum: General Geology, Paleontology, Historical Geology, Structural Geology, Crystallography, Mineralogy, Petrography, Geophysics. Geochemistry, Geology of minerals, etc.

The program is intended for full-time undergraduate students majoring in: 6B07202 - "Geology and exploration of mineral deposits", 6B05204– "Hydrogeology and geoecology", 6B07211 - "Hydrogeology and engineering Geology", 6B07207 - "Geology of combustible minerals"

The objectives of the practice for obtaining professional skills and experience in scientific and production activities are:

  • acquisition of professional competencies, skills and abilities;
  • collecting the necessary materials for writing term papers and final qualifying work;
  • consolidation of theoretical knowledge gained during classroom classes and educational practices through the direct participation of the student in the activities of the organization;
  • gaining experience in independent professional activity.


List of the best companies by practice base


1. Kazakhmys Corporation LLP

Kazakhmys Group is a vertically integrated holding company whose key assets are concentrated in the mining industry and non–ferrous metallurgy.

Kazakhmys ranks 20th in the world in the production of copper in concentrate (271 thousand tons) and 12th in the production of rough and cathode copper (377 and 365 thousand tons, respectively, taking into account raw materials).

In 2020, the contribution of the Kazakhmys Group allowed the Republic of Kazakhstan to take 11th place in the world ranking of silver producing countries (279 tons, 51% of the total production in the country).

According to the results of 2020, the Group ranks 3rd in the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of electricity generation with a production volume of 7,267.53 million kWh.

Kazakhmys enterprises - mines, processing plants, copper smelters - are located at three production sites (Balkhash, Zhezkazgan, Karaganda), where about 37 thousand people work.



Yuzhno-zhezkazgan mine

Underground mining and extraction of copper ore at the Zhezkazgan copper deposit.

Mining operations for underground mining in the South include technological processes:

- opening of ore deposits;

- mining operations;

- cleaning excavation;

- blasting, transportation, storage and use of VM;

- roof maintenance and fixing of mine workings;

- transportation and delivery of ore, materials and equipment;

- ventilation of mine workings;

- drainage;

- energy supply;

- operation of pressure vessels.


The Jomart mine

Underground mining and extraction of copper ore at the Zhezkazgan copper deposit

Mining operations for underground mining on the Zhomart river include technological processes:

- opening of ore deposits;

- mining operations;

- cleaning excavation;

- blasting, transportation, storage and use of VM;

- roof maintenance and fixing of mine workings;

- transportation and delivery of ore, materials and equipment;

- ventilation of mine workings;

- drainage;

- energy supply;

- operation of pressure vessels.


Sayak mine

The extraction of copper sulfide ore is carried out by an underground method, a system of sub-storey collapse. The main business processes:

1. Drilling of mine workings by drilling and blasting using Sandvik DD 210,411 drilling rigs.

2. Drilling of fan blast wells using Solo drilling rigs

3. Stripping of fan wells using the Normet blasting machine.

4. Loading of ore using PDM LH-514, CAT R 1700 into underground dump trucks SAT AD-45.

5. Transportation of ore to intermediate surface warehouses at the portal.

6.Loading and transportation of ore to the railway dead end and sending to the BOF.

And others …


Sought-after specialties in Kazakhmys Corporation LLP

  • Design engineer of the 3rd category.
  • An expert.
  • The chief power engineer.
  • Leading engineer (mechanic for imported equipment).


2. KAZ Minerals LLP

KAZ Minerals is one of the largest copper production companies focused on the development of copper mining and new mining operations in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

The Group operates at the Aktogay open-pit copper mines in the Abai region and Bozshakol in the Pavlodar region, three underground mines and three processing plants in East Kazakhstan, as well as the Bozymchak copper and gold mine in Kyrgyzstan.




Bozshakol is the first quartile asset on the global cost curve with an annual design ore processing capacity of 30 million tons and a remaining service life of about 40 years with an average copper content of 0.33%.


Aktogay is a large–scale open-pit copper mine with a residual life of about 25 years. The annual design capacity for processing sulfide ore was doubled to 50 million tons after the commissioning of the second sulfide concentrator in October 2021, the volume of which increased in 2022.


Bozymchak, our open-pit copper and gold mine in Kyrgyzstan, began production in the second quarter of 2014.

And others.


Sought-after specialties in KAZ Minerals LLP

  • Students and graduates of engineering and technological specialties
  • Mineral
  • processing Metallurgy
  • Repair and maintenance of equipment
  • Mining


3. JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom"

JSC NAC Kazatomprom is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the import and export of uranium, rare metals, and nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. Since 2009, Kazakhstan has been a world leader in the extraction of natural uranium.

The assets of the national nuclear company include the entire complex of enterprises involved in the chain of production of final products — from geological exploration, uranium mining, production of nuclear fuel cycle products to science, social security and personnel training.


Types of activities:

Rare metals

Rare metals (RM) and their compounds have a unique set of physico-chemical properties and are widely used in instrumentation, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, nuclear energy and medicine.

Tantalum-niobium production

Tantalum-niobium production is deployed at the Ulba Metallurgical Plant.

Beryllium production

Beryllium production has been deployed at the Ulba Metallurgical Plant. It is one of three enterprises in the world that has a full production cycle from processing ore concentrate to the production of finished products with specified quality parameters, the world's largest supplier of serial primary beryllium products of beryllium and ligatures based on it.

And others.


Sought-after specialties in JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom":

Engineering specialties:

  • Geologist
  • Geotechnologist 
  • Working professions:
  • Operator of geotechnological wells
  • Repair and restoration operator


4. State institution "Kazselezashchita"

The state institution Kazselezashchita carries out advance measures to prevent avalanches and mudslides.  In winter and spring, preventive avalanche descents are carried out in rural and landslide-prone regions of the country.

In the summer and autumn, preventive measures are carried out on the most explosive moraine lakes, in particular, the construction of channels and siphons, blasting and excavation, controlled discharge of water from moraine lakes.

An established and effective system of preventive measures has reduced the threat of the breakthrough of moraine lakes, the formation of mudflows and ensured the safety of settlements.


5. Geotherm Production Company LLP

The company was founded in 2008 (registration number 672-1910-05-LLP, date of primary state registration 25.06.2008. the last re-registration was carried out on 24.01.2012).

The personnel potential of the company consists of experienced specialists, including candidates of sciences and purposeful, inquisitive young specialists - bachelors, engineers and masters.


1. A complex of specialized hydrogeological works with drilling of production well No. 1980 with a depth of 3000 m, in order to re-evaluate the reserves of thermomineral waters for the sanatorium "Almaty" in the Karasai district of the Almaty region (Customer: Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; General contractor: A-TA Stroy LLP.

2. Hydrogeological works with drilling of new wells according to the contract for subsurface use. Bush No. 4 Almaty (DGKP "Bastau" GKP "Holding Almaty Su" akimat of Almaty.

3. Exploration of groundwater for domestic drinking and industrial water supply and assessment of operational reserves of art.Shokysu of the Kyzylorda region with certification of local water supply facilities at well sites No.5,6,7,8 s (Customer: State Institution "Aral Regional Department of Housing and Communal Services of Passenger Transport and Highways".

And others.


Sought-after specialties in Geotherm Production Company LLP

  • Hydrogeologists
  • Engineer Geologists


6. OPTIMUM Design Institute LLP

OPTIMUM Design Institute LLP performs work on studying the prospects of oil and gas potential of the regions, developing projects for prospecting deposits (deposits) in new promising areas, project documents for field exploration, calculations of hydrocarbon reserves and feasibility study of oil recovery coefficients; projects for trial operation of deposits and fields; technological development schemes, development projects and refined field development projects, development analyses and author's supervision of the implementation of design solutions, projects for the integrated development of oil and gas fields.

Companies' activities

• Development and drafting of exploration projects

• Consulting services for planning exploration activities with the issuance of recommendations and proposals;

• Drafting of prospecting works;

• Drafting of evaluation works.

And others.

Sought-after specialties in Geotherm Production Company LLP

  • Geologists of oil and gas
  • Drilling Machine Operator


7. Atyrau Oil Refinery LLP

Atyrau Oil Refinery (ANPZ LLP) is one of the three leading oil refineries in Kazakhstan. It was built during the Great Patriotic War and put into operation in 1945. The owner of the refinery is JSC NC KazMunayGas (99%).

The design processing capacity is 5.5 million tons per year, the processing depth is up to 86.4%.

The company produces over 20 (including markings) names of commercial petroleum products: hydrocarbon gases, liquefied, fuel; automotive and diesel fuels of environmental classes K-4 and K-5, jet engine fuels, vacuum gas oil, heating oil, fuel oil, marine fuel, petroleum cokes, technical sulfur, etc. Today Today, the plant is the only producer of petrochemical products in Kazakhstan – benzene and paraxylene.

ANPZ LLP makes a significant contribution to the economy of Atyrau city, being one of the largest taxpayers in the region.

Types of petroleum products produced at Atyrau Refinery LLP

1. Unleaded gasoline AI-80-K4 GOST 32513-2013

2. Gasoline A-92-K5 (AI-92) TU 38.001165-2014 "Automobile export gasoline. Technical conditions

3. Gasoline A-92-K4 (AI-92) TU 38.001165-2014 "Automobile export gasoline. Technical conditions


Sought-after specialties in Atyrau Oil Refinery LLP

  • Geologists of oil and gas
  • Operator of drilling rigs


8. Semeyhydrogeology LLP

The company performs a full cycle of work related to well drilling and related documentation. We offer an individual approach to each client, all work is carried out taking into account the requirements of the customer. Drilling of industrial wells is carried out by professional employees using specialized drilling equipment.

Semeyhydrogeology LLP provides services for the construction of water pressure and intake structures.

Water intake facilities are a whole complex for the extraction and processing of water taken from natural sources. They supply it to residential buildings, towns and cities. There are different types of structures that depend on the type of source and the equipment used. Their construction takes up to several years.

It also provides a wide range of drilling and maintenance services for artesian wells in the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Drilling an artesian well is a high–tech method of providing water. Water from artesian springs flows smoothly, is clean and has a constant chemical composition. Depending on the depth of occurrence, heavy machinery or a portable drilling rig are used for drilling. Wells with different depths have different service lives and are operated in different ways. Their cost is influenced by the volume and cost of drilling, the choice of materials, and the need for additional work.


Sought-after specialties in Semeyhydrogeology LLP :

  • Hydrogeologists
  • Engineer Geologists


9. Almatygidrogeologiya LLP

Almatyhydrogeology LLP, formerly the Central Hydrogeological Expedition, has been in existence since 1958! During this time, work has been carried out to solve the problems of water supply in almost all cities, including the city of Almaty at the expense of groundwater.

A significant amount of farmland and pasture areas have been developed. The network of resorts has been significantly expanded due to the explored mineral waters.

The company is a co-author of the National Atlas of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

The company employs more than two hundred employees, including two doctors of geological and mineralogical sciences, one Doctor of Technical Sciences, five candidates of geological and mineralogical sciences! Our company is staffed by highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in conducting work on the search and exploration of groundwater in any conditions. The company has modern special equipment and equipment that allow comprehensive hydrogeological, engineering and geological study of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



1. JSC NGSK "KazStroyService"

Drilling, installation and commissioning of water intake wells at the site of the shift settlement of the SCS-7 station facility.

2. "Projectstroygaz" LLP

Drilling of a hydrogeological well with a depth of 150 m. on the territory of the Kok-Ozek production cooperative in the Karasai district. RSU MD Yuzhkaznedra

3. RSU MD "Yuzhkaznedra"

Conducting observations at 6 UCP study posts in the South Kazakhstan region. Prospecting and exploration works to provide groundwater reserves for 10 villages of the Almaty region.


Sought-after specialties in Almatygidrogeology LLP:

  • Hydrogeologists
  • Engineer Geologists


10. GKP "Almaty Su"

The State Municipal Enterprise "Almaty Su" of the Department of Energy and Utilities has been operating since 2008, according to the decree of the Akimat of Almaty No. 4/638 dated 08/07/2008.

Today, the water supply and sanitation system of Almaty is the largest in the Republic of Kazakhstan and serves more than 1.5 million residents of the city and surrounding areas of the region.

Almaty Su State Enterprise builds its activities on the principles of transparency, strict compliance with the requirements of current legislation and provision of equal access to water supply and sanitation services for all consumers.

The mission of the companies is to provide affordable water supply and sanitation services that ensure a decent quality of life for consumers, sustainable development of the metropolis, formation of a culture of water consumption, and conservation of natural resources of the region.


In-demand specialties of GKP "Almaty Su":

  • Hydrogeologists
  • Engineer Geologists
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