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Department of Power Engineering

The basis of Power Engineering Department is connected with the creation of the "Mining Electromechanics and Automation of the Mining Industry" Department in 1956

Over the years, the department trained engineers of a narrow specialty such as mining electricians for automation, mining electrical engineers and electricians in the specialty “Electric drive and automation of typical technological complexes”.

Since 2004, the profile of the department has changed, and it has switched to training in the three-level system of education "undergraduate-magistracy-PhD doctoral studies" in the specialty Electric Power Engineering. The first head of the department was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A. Bekbayev. (2004-2016).

Since the 2018 academic year, PhD, assistant prfoessor Sarsenbayev E., heads the department.

The state Grant "The best university teacher" was awarded to Associate Professor Umyshev D.R.

The Department of Energy is a graduate department in the bachelor's degree: 6B07101 Energy, 6B07122 Thermal Power Engineering, 6B07127 Ground electric Transport and Charging Infrastructure, 6B07128 Digital Energy. Master's degrees: 7M07113 Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, 7M07144 Innovative Technologies and equipment in Renewable Energy; and doctoral degrees 6D071800 – Electric Power Engineering.

Specialties 5B071800 – Electric Power engineering, and 8D07112 Electric Power Engineering. They were accredited in 2023 by the International Accreditation Agency ASIIN (Germany) ( ).

Кафедра Энергетики


 Advantages of Power Engineering Department

- The possibility of introducing into the department of young specialists, the expansion of the department by forming PhD doctoral and magistracy specialties;

- Availability of modern laboratory facilities;

- The possibility to conduct scientific research;

–The presence of educational laboratories for training and assigning the specialty “Electrician”;

- The possibility to involve the teaching stuff and students of the department into the “Grant researches”;

- The presence of uninterruptable education system (bachelor's degree - magistracy - PhD doctoral studies);

- High scientific and academic potential of teaching stuff;

- Active educational work with students.


The purpose of the department:

- to ensure a strong basic training in the principles and methods of design, operation and management in the field of power engineering;

- to promote intellectual maturity, the development of creative and critical thinking, design skills, communication and cooperation, professional and ethical responsibility, the need for lifelong learning;

- to prepare graduates for a successful career in the field and objects of the power engineering, private, public and state organizations, educational institutions, through teaching disciplines that will provide the fundamental knowledge and practical skills necessary in a competitive environment.

Department tasks:

- prepare students for the study of general technical and special disciplines;

- to create the level of basic fundamental education for the development of special disciplines and the acquisition of skills and abilities necessary for solving engineering problems;

- introduce innovative educational technologies based on international best practice, contributing to improving the efficiency and quality of faculty activities and educational / research work of students, undergraduates, and PhD students;

- to ensure the demand for graduates in the global labor market by improving the quality of their training through international accreditation of educational programs.

 The mission of the department is to prepare competitive specialists for high-tech sectors of the power engineering on a three-level system of training "undergraduate - graduate - doctoral PhD".

The Department’s goal is to implement the “Development Strategy - 2020” of  Satbayev University.

Assessment of innovative potential - The Department of Energy has a comprehensive laboratory "Renewable energy sources". Which consists of:

- Digital laboratory for renewable energy sources. The educational process is carried out using VR glasses, in which the student is trained in a virtual space simulating real renewable energy facilities, such as: solar power plant, wind power plant and hybrid systems;

- Solar power plants of various types and capacities;

- The Center of competence for chargers.

To date, the department has introduced elements of dual training in the following areas: The Department of "Energy", as part of a lesson with elements of dual training, signed a memorandum with the group of the company "Alageum Electric": and at this time, students of the 4th year of the OP: 6B07101 - "Energy", classes are held on the basis of this enterprise. A branch of the Department of Energy was opened on the basis of Asia Trafo LLP. The Chairman of the Board – Rector of KazNITU named after K.I. took part in the opening ceremonies. Satpayeva Begentaev Meiram Mukhametrahimovich, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alageum Electric Kozhabaev Khairulla Baidildaevich.

The opening of a branch of the department at this production facility will allow us to solve several tasks at once, to direct our students to practice. They will acquire practical skills that will contribute to further employment. The issue of additional experience for teachers will also be resolved. Mutual cooperation will satisfy the needs of the company as well. As part of the dual education, the opening of a branch of the department will allow training personnel directly at the enterprise itself. The training of students will be conducted by highly qualified employees of the enterprises.

International cooperation - From September 5 to September 30, 2022, open seminars and lectures on topical areas of energy and materials science were held for undergraduates, undergraduates and doctoral students. Organizer: Department of "Energy". Speaker: Professor Dmitry Rychkov, Head of the Weissenburg Technology Campus (Bavarian Polymer Campus) at the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany. Reviewer of IEEE journals.

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