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Transportation Engineering Direction

The direction of "Transport Engineering" trains engineers for the field of road and rail transport, transport infrastructure and transport logistics. Graduates of the school are in demand in various fields — from transport and logistics to the railway. The training of specialists is conducted by qualified professors, as well as specialists from large trucking companies and logistics companies with extensive practical experience.

The direction of Transport Engineering also trains bachelors in a shortened program based on a secondary professional (3 years of study) in OP 6B07108 – Transport Engineering. Leading practitioners, leading engineers and top managers of Astana Motors automobile plants, Hyundai Trans Kazakhstan, Allur and Orbis Auto Luxury automobile companies, as well as NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ).

Currently, more than 300 graduates of the university work in various sectors of the economy, transport, transport engineering, railway transport, and transport services.

The direction of "Transport engineering" of the School of "Transport Engineering and Logistics" named after M.Tynyshpaeva implements two-degree educational programs with foreign universities:

At the undergraduate level, a two-degree educational program has been implemented with the Xi'an Vocational Technical Railway Institute (Xi'an, China) under the 2+2 scheme (the first two courses are studying in Xi'an, the 3rd and 4th courses are studying at Satbayev University).

At the master's level, a two-degree educational program is being implemented with the Silesian University of Technology (Katowice, Poland).

In the direction of "Transport Engineering", joint agreements and memorandums of cooperation are being implemented with higher educational institutions, organizations and research institutes from such countries of the far and near abroad as: China, South Korea, Poland, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Two digital laboratories were opened in the direction of "Transport Engineering": a virtual laboratory for the device of a car "Porshe" and a virtual laboratory for the device of electric vehicle.

In August 2023, together with the NAO "KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev" (Satbayev University) and the Xi'an Railway Vocational Technical Institute (Shaanxi Province, China) opened a research center in the field of transport engineering and logistics.

In the direction of "Transport engineering" there is a branch in the SCCP "Multidisciplinary College of Vocational Training" of the State Educational Institution "Department of Education of the Almaty region S.Chemolgan".

Kazakh National Research Technical University named after Kanysh Satpayev — Satbayev University has opened the training center of the Mukhamedzhan Tynyshpayev School of Transport Engineering and Logistics at the Hyundai Trans Kazakhstan automobile plant, a subsidiary of Astana Motors.

The direction of "Transport Engineering" cooperates with the world's foreign universities:

In 2023, the NAO "KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev" (Satbayev University) and the Xi'an Railway Vocational Technical Institute (Shaanxi Province, China) began working together to train railway workers. Within the framework of international cooperation, the development and implementation of joint bachelor's degree educational programs, including dual degree programs, academic mobility and exchange of students, teaching staff and administrative and managerial personnel, academic mobility of scientists, PhD doctoral students, undergraduates, joint work on publishing research results in relevant scientific publications of both countries, informing each other about ongoing conferences and symposiums, conducting joint scientific research, An agreement on cooperation in the field of transport and logistics was signed between the Xi'an Railway Vocational Technical Institute (Shaanxi Province, China) and the K.I. Satpayev KazNITU (Satbayev University).

The objectives of the direction of training "Transport engineering":

  • training of comprehensively educated, intellectually developed specialists who are able to realize their professional knowledge, skills and abilities at enterprises, public and research organizations of any form of ownership;
  • to ensure the growth of the research activities of the teaching staff of the training area "Transport Engineering" in order to integrate education, science and production;
  • to develop students' practical skills in engineering analysis and design, the formulation and conduct of scientific research, including the formation of students' professional orientation as a personality quality of the future engineer;
  • to improve the three–level model of training of personnel with higher and postgraduate education: bachelor's degree – master's degree - doctoral degree, meeting the requirements of consumers, based on the introduction of modern educational technologies and continuous improvement of teaching and methodological activities of the teaching staff of the direction of training "Transport Engineering".
  • organization and implementation of the educational process, research, innovative work that meets the requirements of training qualified, competitive personnel for transport, transport and logistics and railway industries.

Tasks of the direction of training "Transport engineering":

  • practical implementation in the educational process of the requirements of educational programs in the system of continuing education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • introduction into the educational process of innovative technologies, promising teaching methods that contribute to the development of independence and creative thinking of students;
  • increasing the level of responsibility of the teaching staff for the quality of education and the development of necessary knowledge by students in accordance with the qualification requirements for the training of graduates of the NAO "KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev";
  • development and improvement of students' creative thinking and independence in solving scientific problems, deepening and consolidating the knowledge gained during training;
  • formation of a healthy moral atmosphere, friendship and cooperation in study groups;
  • participation in international activities in the field of education and training;
  • training of highly qualified competent specialists for the transport, transport and logistics, railway sector of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, able to quickly adapt to rapidly changing socio-economic conditions;
  • to form in the student a certain set of personal qualities, general cultural and professional competencies sufficient for the formation of a modern transport and railway industry in the country (region) and advanced organization of activities;
  • training of qualified specialists with general cultural and professional competencies;
  • external and internal evaluation of educational programs;
  • conducting fundamental and applied scientific research, dissemination and promotion of scientific knowledge, introduction and commercialization of research results;
  • satisfaction of the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through higher, postgraduate and additional professional education on the basis of the inseparable unity of the learning process and scientific research.

Mission and strategy of the direction of training "Transport Engineering"


To train competitive, qualified specialists with a high level of intellectual, general cultural and professional competence in the field of transport and transport equipment, railway transport, to combine theory with modern practice using advanced educational technologies.


The strategy of development of the direction of training "Transport Engineering" correlates with the vision and development strategy of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev for 2022-2026.

Improvement of educational and scientific activities in order to improve the quality of training of specialists in the field of operation, repair and maintenance of transport, transport equipment and railway transport.

The material and technical base of the field of training "Transport Engineering" fully meets the requirements for training personnel in the field of transport, railway transport and transport infrastructure, they are suitable for conducting scientific research, conducting large scientific projects on the problems of railway transport, road transport and transport facilities.

The direction "Transport Engineering" of the school of "Transport Engineering and Logistics" trains production-oriented personnel in the field of transport, transport equipment and technology, which, due to their versatility, are in demand and can be employed in any industry and national economy.

The objects of professional activity of graduates of the direction "Transport engineering" are:

  • machine-building plants producing transport machinery and equipment;
  • enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment;
  • design, design and technological organizations;
  • machine repair companies;
  • branded and dealer centers of machine-building and repair plants;
  • marketing and forwarding services;
  • logistics systems, transport management services.
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