Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayeva implements the main educational programs of higher and postgraduate education, trains scientific and pedagogical personnel, research, international, educational, methodological and other activities. The institute trains specialists in mechanical engineering for many industries, such as mechanical engineeringenergypetrochemical industrymachine tool buildingrobotics and vehicles, automotive and tractor engineering. Specialists are trained in the field of strength, reliability of technical systems for their safe operation. The Institute has half a century of experience in scientific and pedagogical activities and is rightfully considered a forge of engineering personnel in Kazakhstan. Thanks to the work of the Institute's teachers, the industrial potential of Almaty, where most of the Institute's graduates work, is still one of the most powerful in the republic.

The history of the institute begins in 1975, when the Ministry of Higher Education and Secondary Education of the Kazakh SSR decided to open the specialties "Mechanical Engineering Technology" and "Machines and Technology of Metal Forming" at the request of the Academic Council of KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin and the rector prof. Ashimova A.A. The Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology (TM) and the newly formed Department of Machines and Technology of Metal Forming (M&T OMD) became the basis of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin. An important role in the creation of the faculty was played by Meiram Kurmangalievich Kurmangaliyev, Tusupbekov M.R., Orlov P.G., Urazbayeva B.K. and professors of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

The branch of the Department of Mechanical Engineering worked at the Almaty Heavy Engineering Plant, providing students with real dual training in production conditions.

In 2000, the faculty was transformed into the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Technology and Ecology, and in 2003, the Institute of Mechanical Engineering was created in the structure of KazNTU.

From 1987 to 2000 and from 2003 to 2011, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences Pavel Georgievich Yesyrev, headed the Institute. From 2000 to 2002, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, headed the Institute. Baigunchekov Zh.Zh., 2002-2003, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Prof. Aliyev N.O.

Since 2011, Auezkhan Turdaliev has become the director of the already renamed Institute of Industrial Engineering, and in 2016 Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Baigunchekov Zhumadil Zhanabayevich, replaced him.

In 2017-2018, the director was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kaltayev Aidarkhan Zhusupbekovich, and since July 2019, the Institute of Industrial Engineering has been transformed into the Institute of Industrial Automation and Digitalization, and Omarbekov Beknur Orazgaliyevich, PhD Doctor, became its director.

The institute was named after the first rector of our university, Ashir Burkitbayev.

Since September 01, 2021, the institute has been headed by Elemessov Kasym Koptleuevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Mining Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Institute trains highly qualified specialists using advanced teaching technologies and modern educational infrastructure, and also disseminates natural science and technical knowledge. The goal is to ensure the high quality of education and sustainable development of the institute. The Institute strives to provide high-quality, practice-oriented education and provide sectors of the economy with competitive personnel with higher and postgraduate education. To this end, tasks have been set, including ensuring high-quality training of competitive personnel, modernizing the content of educational programs, informatizing education and stimulating effective teaching. The main areas include equipping the departments with digital infrastructure, strengthening the intellectual potential of science, modernizing the scientific infrastructure and improving the effectiveness of scientific developments.

Students gain knowledge of modern mechanical engineering technologies, based on the ability to work on CAD programs as a designer and technologist, master the formation of control programs for all types of machine tools with numerical control, in the field of energy, in the field of technological machines and equipment, innovative technologies in the field of operation and repair of mining, metallurgical and oil and gas machines, capable of implementing their professional knowledge, skills and abilities in public and private management, mining, metallurgical and oil and gas enterprises, public and research organizations of any form of ownership.

Graduates work as mechanical engineers of a wide profile, designers, work in many industries in Kazakhstan and abroad. They are in demand in the machine-building and transport industries, at enterprises for the production of functional, metallic and nanoscale materials, in design bureaus, research institutes, and hold senior positions in government agencies.

The Institute has 30 specialized laboratories and classrooms equipped with the necessary equipment and instruments, computer hardware and software. In training, students use the latest computer-aided design systems of the international level, such as ADEMSolidWorksAutoDeskCompass 3DMSC NastranComsol multiphisics, and APM WinMachine; study industrial technologies and equipment based on computer and 3D scanning technologies; transform the results into 3D drawings and produce them on 3D printers.

The structure of the Institute today includes 6 departments: "Energy"Technological Machines and Equipment"Mechanical Engineering"Standardization, Certification and Metrology","Engineering Mechanics","General Physics".

Qualified professors, associate professors and production specialists in the state and Russian languages carry out training of specialists. Holders of the title "The Best Teacher of the University - 2023".

Winners of the «Bolashak» scientific internship grant:

The number of ongoing research projects on the GF for 2021-2023, 2022-2024, and 2023-2025 is 33 projects.  

In the competition of the GF of the most promising projects for the commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (RSNTD) for 2022-2024, 4 applications were won (Bekbaev A.B.Bortebaev S.A., Utebayev R.M., Sabirova L.B.).

3 applications were won under the PCF competition (program-targeted financing) for 2022-2024 (Elemessov K.K., Bekbaev A.B., Kenzhina I.)

The Institute's specialties have international accreditation in the German accreditation agency ASIIN (Germany), in the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) and in the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR).

The Institute interacts with many foreign technical universities: exchange of faculty and students, internships for doctoral students, foreign practice of undergraduates, joint development of curricula for the organization of two-degree education, discussions on educational problems:

1. Silesian University of Technology, Poland;

2. Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Russia;

3. Nosov Magnitogorsk Technical University, Russia;

4. Ural State Agrarian University, Russia.

5. Pennsylvania State University;

6. National University of Singapore;

7. National Tech Institute of Calicut;

8. Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland;

9. Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic;

10. University of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Bulgaria, Sofia;

11. University of RIJEKI, Croatia;

12. Georg Agricola University of Technology, Bochum, Germany.

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