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Center of Operational Action

Centre of operational activities (COA) is KazNRTU’s named after K.I.Satpayev (University)structural subdivision which was formed by the resolution№14, August 1, 2016 ofthe University governance.

COA is subordinate to Rector of the University.

Centre of operational activities performs the following functions:

  • security responsibilities and University’s continuousfunctioning;
  • ensuring and control of the compliance with the requirements of access control and intrabuildingoperations at University, non-admission of penetratingby unauthorized persons on the university campus, student dormitories and academic buildings, control over the bring in and carry out of material assetsin due course with ID cards and waybills;
  • maintenance of public orderwithin the academic buildings, dormitories, University campus;
  • conducting prevention activities throughprevention of wrong among the University students and staff;

COA carries out access control and intrabuildingoperations, in addition it provides security and protection at the following University buildings:

  1. Oil building
  2. Main academic building
  3. Mining-metallurgical building
  4. Military Affairs Institute
  5. Thermotechnical building
  6. Machine building Institute
  7. Machine building - corpus
  8. Small educational building
  9. Kazakh-Korean educational centre
  10. Office-registrar
  11.  FabLab
  12. Dormitory № 1
  13. Dormitory № 2
  14. Dormitory № 3
  15. Dormitory № 4
  16. Dormitory № 5
  17. Dormitory № 6  
  18. Dormitory «Young scientists’ house»


  1. "COA"Director: desk phone: 320-40-82, i/n 7082, room 342 Mining-metallurgical building
  2. Head of division on Offenses Prevention: desk phone: 320-44-07, i/n 7407, room 327  Mining-metallurgical building
  3.  Head of division on technical support: desk phone: 320-42-96, i/n 7296, room 344  Mining-metallurgical building
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