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Student practice ETaST

RTEL Group is a leading company specializing in professional radio communications and technology solutions. Company offers a wide range of innovative communication solutions, including TETRA, DMR, LTE, 4G/5G standards.

RTEL Group has a partnership with the world's leading radio communications manufacturer, Hytera Communications, which allows to provide customers with advanced products and technologies.


The enterprise "KELET" was established in 1992 to carry out production and trade activities in the domestic and foreign markets of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Over the years of hard work, the company grew from a small private enterprise to a joint-stock company, gained an excellent reputation and became widely known in the industrial circles of Kazakhstan as a reliable manufacturer and supplier of quality equipment. "KELET" JSC has earned a reputation as a partner that faithfully fulfills its obligations in near and far foreign countries.


Joint-Stock Company “National Center of Space Research and Technology”. The object of activity of the Institute was carrying out of basic and applied researches within the state, industry and international programs and projects as well as performance of work on grants of domestic and foreign funds in the field of Earth remote sensing (ERS), space monitoring, geoinformation modeling and space materials science.


The Institute of Space Engineering and Technology was founded in 2009, was engaged in research and development work both in the field of space activities and other branches of science and technology, became the developer of the State automated information system for emergency calls for accidents and disasters (ECSAD), as well as a hardware and software complex for managing international transport corridors passing through territories of the CIS member states, based on modern information and communication technologies. Currently, the Institute is the operator of the emergency call system, as well as the national operator of the international traffic tracking information system using navigation seals.


“Orion System” is a leading company in the production of equipment for Internet of Things (IoT) networks based on LoRaWAN technology. The companies' mission is to create and deliver high-quality, reliable and innovative products that will help our customers optimize their business processes and make informed decisions.


“Saiman Corporation” LLP is a leading domestic instrument manufacturing enterprise with a full production cycle of energy metering instruments. The instrument-making plant "SAIMAN" is geographically located in Almaty.


Kazakhtelecom is the largest telecommunications company in Kazakhstan, has the status of a national telecommunications operator. JSC Kazakhtelecom owns the National Information Superhighway, which is a transport fiber-optic ring that connects large cities of Kazakhstan with digital streams with high data transmission speed.


Joint Stock Company “National Company” “Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary” (hereinafter – JSC “NC KGS”) was established in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 2005. In accordance with the Decree of the Government dated December 13, 2016 No. 795, the Company was determined by the National Operator of the Earth Remote Sensing Space System (hereinafter referred to as the ERS CS) of the Republic of Kazakhstan, consisting of high and medium resolution spacecraft KazEOSat-1 (with a resolution of 1 m) and KazEOSat-2 (with 6.5m resolution) to provide space images to individuals and legal entities, as well as the National Operator of the High-Precision Satellite Navigation System (hereinafter referred to as HPSNS) to implement the tasks of providing satellite navigation services throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


How the practice goes:

The purpose of educational practice is to strengthen and deepen the theoretical knowledge acquired during the study of curriculum subjects. Also important are the formation and development of professional skills, as well as obtaining primary practical experience in the chosen field of training.

Objectives of industrial practice:

  • Gaining practical experience: Mastering specific skills and knowledge applied in real work environments so that the student can successfully implement them in the professional field.
  • Familiarity with the industrial environment: Experience in a real industrial environment helps the student understand the characteristics and requirements of his future professional activity.
  • Development of professional skills: The application of theoretical knowledge in practical activities contributes to the development of the student's professional skills necessary for a successful career.
  • Improving Communication Skills: Interacting with colleagues, management and clients in the work environment helps develop communication and teamwork skills.
  • Assessing one's own professional interests: Practice allows the student to more clearly define their interests and preferences within the chosen professional field.
  • Preparation for future career: Internship is a bridge between education and future career, providing the student with the opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in practice and prepare for entry into a professional environment.

Upon completion of practical training, students provide the following documents:

  • Industrial Practice Report: Detailed overview of tasks, analysis of work performed.
  • Diary: Recording daily activities, impressions and professional observations.
  • Agreement on the Organization and Conduct of Practice: A signed document approving the conditions and terms of practice.

Upon completion of the internship, the student draws up a report describing the work performed, the results achieved and the experience gained.

Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies

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