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Information on educational programs GSS&EMD department

5B070600 – Geology and exploration for mineral resources

Educational Program (B072)

Model of specialist

Educational Program Development Plan

Review Nadine-Seib

Review Rezenzia Alla 

Employment of bachelor graduates in the specialty 


6B05201 – Geology and exploration of mineral deposits

Working curriculum, elective subjects


6B07202 – Geology and exploration of mineral deposits

Education Programm (B072)

Educational program development plan

Modular education program

Working curriculum, elective subjects

Review Yasikov 


6B07202, 6B05201 educational programs

Working curriculum, elective subjects 

Distance study

Full-time study


7M07206 – Geology and exploration of solid mineral deposits

Educational program development plan

Modular education program

Working curriculum

Review Yasikov 


7M07219 - Geology and exploration of mineral deposits

Working curriculum


7M07219 - Geology and exploration of mineral deposits

Working curriculum

Department of "Geological survey, search and exploration of mineral deposits"

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