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"Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology" Department

The Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology, headed by Kubekova Sholpan Nakishbekovna, was formed in June 2020 as a result of the reorganization of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and is the successor to such departments as "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances", "Applied Chemistry", "Applied ecology", "Life safety".

The adoption in 2021 of the new Environmental Code, which provides for the transfer at the first stage of the TOP 50 enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the best available techniques (BAT), has made it an urgent requirement of the time to train qualified specialists capable of solving problems associated with the creation of new chemical processes and technologies that have not only high technical and economic, but also environmental indicators; implement processes and production in accordance with legal and regulatory national and international standards; ensure sustainable development and environmental quality management, including environmental monitoring methods.

The Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology trains specialists in the following educational programs (EP):

• - GEP B051 “Environment”: EP “6B05103 – Environmental Engineering” (Bachelor’s degree);

• - GEP B060 “Chemical engineering and processes”: EP 6B07116 – “Technology of basic production and new materials” (Bachelor’s degree);

• - GEP V071 “Mining and mineral extraction”: EP 6B07217 – “Technology of rare and radioactive elements” (Bachelor’s degree);

• - GEP M087 – “Environmental Protection Technology”: EP 7M05202 – “Bioecological Engineering” (Master’s programme);

• - GEP M097 – “Chemical Engineering and Processes”: EP 7M07110 – “Chemical Processes and Production of Chemical Materials” (Master’s Degree) and OP 7M07143 – “Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances” (Master’s Degree);

• - GEP D087 – “Environmental Protection Technology”: EP 8D05201 – “Bioecological Engineering” (Doctoral studies);

• - GEP D097 – “Chemical engineering and processes”: EP 8D07109 – “Innovative technologies and new inorganic materials” (Doctoral studies).


High standards of student education are supported by qualified teaching staff and educational support staff with extensive practical and scientific-pedagogical experience. The Department of CPIE includes 5 doctors of science, 2 PhD doctors, 1 DBI doctor, 6 candidates of science, 7 masters of science.

In 2022, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the annual competitive selection of the best of the best in the teaching profession, awarded The Best University Teacher award to the associate professor of the department, Ph.D. Abildina Ainaz Kairatovna.

In 2023, two teachers of the department were highly commended for their teaching activities. “The Best University Teacher” award for 2023 was awarded to the professor of the department, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Abdiev Kaldibek Zhamshaevich and associated professor of the department, candidates of science Zhursumbayeva Mariamkul Burkanovna.

The teaching staff of the Department of CPIE actively participates in competitive programs for research on the development of technologies for producing new multifunctional materials, waste recycling and water purification, including in joint projects with international participation (Professor B.K. Elikbaev “Global Partnership Programme” UK-Kazakhstan Small Grants Scheme for TNE strategy design", 2024).

Number of research projects carried out under the GF for 2020-2022, 2021-2023, 2022-2024, 2023-2025. amounts to 6 projects:

• Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of CPIE Iskakova T.K. “Development of innovative water-saving technologies using new biopolymer moisture sorbents for arid climate zones” (2020-2021);

• Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of CPIE Elikbaev B.K. “Scientific basis for the selection of hyperaccumulator plants for phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals in Almaty” (2020-2021);

• Ph.D., associate professor of the Department of CPIE Abildina A.K. “Study of the mechanism of intercalation processes at the anode of magnesium-ion batteries” (2022-2024);

• Master, senior lecturer of the Department of CPIE Dalbanbai Amantay “Diatomic catalysts for the electrochemical production of hydrogen peroxide” (2022-2024);

• Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of CPIE Zhursumbayeva M.B. “New polymer biocidal compounds: synthesis and study of properties” (2022-2024);

• Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of CPIE Abdiev Kaldybek Zhamshievich “Synthesis and study of the properties of environmentally friendly surfactants from natural raw materials” (2023-2025).


Based on the PTF for 2023-2025 BR21881939 “Development of resource-saving energy-generating technologies for the mining and metallurgical complex and the creation of an innovative engineering center” it is planned to create two laboratories on the basis of the Department of CPIE with subsequent accreditation:

1. Laboratory of chemical and analytical research. Scientific supervisor: Kubekova Sholpan Nakishbekovna, responsible executive Kapralova Victoria Igorevna;

2. Environmental Monitoring Laboratory. Scientific supervisor: Gulmira Bulatovna Kezembaeva, responsible executive Eligbaev Bakhytzhan Koshkinbaevich.

In 2022 and 2023 the winners of the Bolashak scientific internship grant were:

• Professor of the Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology, Doctor of Biological Sciences Elikbaev Bakhytzhan Koshkinbaevich;

• Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology, Ph.D. Abildina Ainaz Kairatovna.

In the summer of 2023, as part of the “Zhas Galym” program, young scientists from the Department of CPIE Abildina Ainaz Kairatovna and Dalbanbai Amantay participated in an international scientific seminar on the topic “Spectroelectrochemistry” held at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany.

The teacher of the department, Kusainova Gulsara Kasymkhanovna, within the framework of the State Fund “New polymer biocidal compounds: synthesis and study of properties”, completed an international internship at the University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.

Senior teacher of the department Raimbekova Ainur Saginzhanovna completed a foreign internship at the Chemical-Technological and Metallurgical University of Sofya, Bulgaria.


In 2022-2023 academic year, the following foreign teachers conducted lectures, trainings and master classes as part of the “Visiting Professor” program:

1. PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Education of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Negeri Yogakarta Isti Unita (together with the Department of MiOPI) gave a series of lectures on the topic “Effective catalyst with oxide as the active site and its application”;

2. PhD, professor of materials chemistry Mikhailovsky S.V. (Great Britain) held a seminar on the development and improvement of transferable skills of teaching staff, researchers, undergraduates and doctoral students;

In the 2023-2024 academic year, the following foreign teachers conducted lectures, trainings and master classes as part of the “Visiting Professor” program:

1. PhD, Professor Rafik Islam from Ohio State University conducted lectures and practical classes for students of the educational program “6B05206 Engineering Ecology”, trainings and master classes for teaching staff, undergraduates and doctoral students of the EP “7M05202, 8D05201 – Bioecological Engineering”, “ 8D07109 – Innovative technologies and new inorganic materials”;

2. Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Nukus Mining Institute at the Navoi State Mining and Technological University Zhumamuratov D.K. conducted classes for students of the educational program “6B05206 Engineering Ecology” on the topics “Water supply system of the city of Nukus, Problems of climate change and water resources in Uzbekistan, the Problem of the Aral Sea and government measures on the problem of the drying up of the Aral Sea”;

3. Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the National University of Uzbekistan Daminova Sh.Sh. gave a lecture for the teaching staff of the Department of CPIE on the topic “Study of the structure of complex compounds by X-ray diffraction analysis”;

4. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of the National University of Uzbekistan Rakhmonova Dilnoza Salamovna gave a lecture for the teaching staff of the Department of CPIE on the topic “Chemistry of coordination compounds”;

5. Ph.D., Associate Professor Buchbinder G.L. conducted a seminar on the topic “Atomic emission spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma iCAP with iTEVA and Qtegra software produced by Thermo Fisher Scientific” for employees of the Department of CP&PE.


In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Department of CPIE signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Bilim Barine Public Foundation, as well as a business agreement for the development of an online course “Effective use of greenhouse emissions of methane as a sustainable gas” the presentation of which took place on January 27, 2023. Young scientists and teaching staff from all universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad participated in this event online and offline.

As part of this event, materials from this course were presented free of charge. The topic of this online course in the modern world and in the constantly changing development trends of the country is relevant and timely. This project within the walls of Satbayev University is a pilot project in the field of new green technologies and will be fully posted on the educational resource

Together with the Kazakh-German University, the Department of CPIE participated in the development of the “Clean Energy Transition” course, the presentation of which took place during a 5-day training from February 27 to March 3, 2023. The purpose of this course is to share knowledge among faculty and students at various universities to better understand the specific steps and policies in implementing the transition to cleaner, greener energy.


Students of the department, starting from the first year of study at the university, are involved in research work, including work on a contractual basis. The results of research work are presented at various scientific and practical conferences, including international symposiums, and the best student works are nominated for the Republican competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A student of the Department of CPIE EP 6B05205 – “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” Aisanova Asylzhan won the title “The Best Student of 2022” in the Republican competition held to widely promote the message of the Head of State Kasymzhomart Kemeluly Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Just State. One nation. Blessed Society" among the youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2021, “ATOM” team took 1st place in the annual intellectual game “League of Chemist's”. The team consists of students: Tolegen S, Toleubekova A, Myrzabaeva A., leader Myrzabekova Sharbanu Umetaevna.

In 2022, “ATOM” team took 3rd place in the “XIV Republican Subject Olympiad” among students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The team consists of students: Berekel Aruzhan, Tolegen Sabyrzhan, Toleubekova Ayaulym, leader Myrzabekova Sharbanu Umetayevna.

At the International Scientific Conference “XXII Satpayev Readings”, student of EP 6B07116 – “Technology of Basic Production and New Materials” Ihsan Nuray took 1st place. The head of the scientific work is Associate Professor of the Department of CPIE Abildina Ainaz Kairatovna.

In 2023, the first degree diploma of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the research competition for the best work was awarded to students of EP 6B07116 – “Technology of basic production and new materials" Ihsan Nurai, Galymova Nursaule and Smagulova Sabina. The head of the scientific work is senior lecturer Raimbekova Ainur Saginzhankyzy.

A II degree diploma for the best report was awarded to master's student of EP 7M07110 - "Chemical processes and production of chemical materials" Otarova Venera (scientific supervisor candidate of science, associate professor Kubekova Sh.N.) and student of EP 6B05205 – “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” Utegenova Aruzhan (head senior lecturer, DBI Gulmira Bulatovna Kezembaeva) at the International scientific and practical conference “Fundamental and applied aspects of geology, ecology and chemistry using modern educational technologies.”

In the International Research Competition “Black Sea Science 2023”, organized by the Odessa National University of Technology (Ukraine), II degree diploma was awarded to Timurova Lyayla (EP 6B05205 – Chemical and Biochemical Engineering) and III degree diploma was awarded to Utegenova Aruzhan (EP 6B05205 – Chemical and Biochemical Engineering ). The work was carried out under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of CPIE, candidate of science Nurmakova Saule Mukanovna.

At the 2023 International Student Olympiad in “Ecology and Environmental Protection”, еру team led by Professor Elikbaev B.K. consisting of Diana Tolepbaeva, Venera Khamitova, Madina Tolepbergenova, was awarded II degree diploma.

In the “XV Republican Student Olympiad” in the EP "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances" under the guidance of the Department of CPIE teacher Myrzabekova Sharbanu Umetayevna, our students of EP 6B05205 – “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” Utegenova Aruzhan, Petrash Diana, Tolegen Sabyrzhan took 2nd place in the team stage, Diana Petrash took 3rd place in the individual stage of the Olympiad.

In the National Intellectual Competition “League of Chemist’s 2023” the team “Almaz”  consisting of Nurgul Baitemirova, Asem Amangeldi, Indira Kazybay, Aigansha Karazhanova, Mustafa Khali took 3rd place.

At the International Scientific Conference “XXIII Satpayev Readings”, students of EP 6B05205 – “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” of CPIE Department Anastasia Kukhareva and Diana Petrash took 3rd place. The head of the scientific work is senior lecturer, DBI Gulmira Bulatovna Kezembaeva.

In the International competition of student scientific works in the specialty “Ecology”, held in Kremenchuk (Ukraine) in 2023, student Timurova Lyayla took 3rd place, and in the research competition held by the National University. CM. Beketova (Ukraine) Students of EP 6B05205 – “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” Anastasia Fanina, Aruzhan Utegenova were awarded II degree diploma.


Students of the CPIE department are members of such youth communities of the university as the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Enactus Satbayev University, League of Volunteers, KVN (Russian League) and Zhaidarman (Kazakh League), etc. At the Department of CPIE there is a scientific and intellectual student club “Electrochemistry” (headed by Dalbanbay Amantai)

In 2022, the university hosted the KVN festival, in which 11 teams from different institutes participated. A student of the Department of CPIE EP 6B05205 – “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” Utegenova Aruzhan was a member of the “For You” team, which received the nomination “The Best Team of the Festival”.

At the youth festival “Jastar Sport Fest 2022”, student of the Department of CPIE Tokan Aruzhan took 1st place in the team competition in volleyball.

The KVN University team, which included our students EP 6B05205 – “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” Maria Tsai and Polina Khlynova, took first place at “The Northern Cup”, held in the city of Petropavlovsk in December 2022.

In the “Business Fest 2022” competition within the framework of the Business HUB “Polytech-Atameken”, a student of the Department of CPIE Korkem Madina distinguished herself with the most creative business idea and took 2nd place.

In the competition “Zhaina Zhastyk Shak 2022” Rakhimova Aruzhan won 2nd place in the “Variety Vocal” category.

The KVN team of the Zhylany University, which included our students EP 6B05205 – “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering” Tsai Maria, Timurova Lyailya and Khlynova Polina, became the Grand Prix winners in the Almaty KVN League 2022.


Students of the CPIE department have the opportunity to improve their professional skills and competencies by undergoing practical training at leading enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “Kazphosphate” LLP, “Department of Agrochemical, Soil Surveys and Comprehensive Survey Work of Almaty”, “Kazazot”, “Kazferrosteel”, "Kazakhmys", "Kazatomprom"; Research Institute: “Ecology” Turkestan, JSC “Institute of Chemical Sciences named after. A.B. Bekturov”, JSC “Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry named after. D.V. Sokolsky"; enterprises of the Near Abroad: JSC "Orenburg Minerals" (Russia), LLP Scientific and Technical Center "Zhalyn", RSE “Institute of Combustion Problems” of the KN MES RK, JSC "Karazhanbasmunai", State Industrial Complex "Zhylyoisu", Metropolitan of Almaty, Department of Ecology for the Kyzylorda Region, LLP "Industrial Construction group" Aktobe, “Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology” LLP, “Carlsberg Kazakhstan” LLP, “KAZ Minerals Aktogay Mining and Processing Plant” LLP, “Kazecology Research Institute”,
Laboratory of Hydrochemistry and Environmental Toxicology”, “Shin-line” LLP, “Delma” LLP, etc.

The department continues to develop cooperation with partner universities and other organizations in foreign countries. Work is actively underway to invite foreign teachers with extensive experience in order to improve the educational process and exchange experience.

In 2021, the Department of CPIE concluded a memorandum with:

1. Research Institute of Ecology at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasawi

2. “Kazphosphate” LLP

3. "INTEKNO SG LLP (Intekno)"

4. RSE Institute of Combustion Problems of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

5. JSC "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov"

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the Department of CPIE concluded the following international memorandums and agreements on cooperation:

1. Memorandum of understanding with the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek;

2. Memorandum with Fergana Polytechnic Institute;

3. Memorandum of understanding with the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology;

4. Memorandum of cooperation with the Public Foundation “Bilim Barine”;

5. Memorandum of cooperation with the Department of agrochemical, soil surveys and comprehensive survey work;

6. Memorandum of cooperation with JSC “Scientific Center for Anti-Infective Drugs”;

7. Memorandum of cooperation with “Delma” LLP;

8. Memorandum of cooperation with “Karatau mine” LLP;

9. Memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan;

10. Memorandum of cooperation in the research field between “EuroCircuit Technology Sdn Bhd (ECT)” and “Perfect Trading Company” LLP;

11. Memorandum of understanding and cooperation with “INCREASE-FOOD” LLP;

12. Memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the State Enterprise at the “Talgar Su” storage facility in the Talgar region;

13. Memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the Public Foundation “Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development of Kazakhstan”;

14. Memorandum of cooperation with Kremenchug National University named after Mikhail Ostrogradsky;

15. Memorandum on the implementation of a joint (Double Degree) educational program in online form with the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;

16. Memorandum of cooperation with NJSC “North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev”;

In 2023, the Department of CPIE concluded an agreement on mutual cooperation with the RSE on the right of economic management “Institute of Nuclear Physics” of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Academic mobility of students

As part of the academic mobility program, our students Diana Petrash, in the fall semester of 2021, studied at one of the leading universities in Poland at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.

One of the best students of our department, Kenzhebaev Galamat and Tolegen Sabyrzhan (EP 6B07110 - “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering”, CTIS direction) studied at Tomsk Polytechnic University in the spring semester of 2021.

In the fall semester 2022-2023 academic year. year, student of the Department of CPIE Utegenova Aruzhan (EP 6B05205 – “Chemical and Biochemical Engineering”, Ecology) and student Tolegen Sabyrzhan completed academic mobility training at Peter I St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

In the autumn semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, a student of the department of EP 6B07116 - “Technology of basic production and new materials” Ihsan Nuray studied at the University Sains Malaysia (Penang, Malaysia).

Double degree programs

In December 2022, an Agreement was signed between KazNRTU and Tomsk Polytechnic University, a Memorandum on the implementation of a joint (Double Degree) educational program in online form for EP 7M07110 – “Chemical processes and production of chemical materials”.


Dual training

According to the instructions announced by the Minister of Education and Science on May 20, 2021 regarding the implementation of dual education, in the spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year, the Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology, as part of dual education, sent graduate students to undergo practical training at KazPhosphate LLP", LLP "INCREASE-FOOD (Shinline)".

In the 2023-2024 academic year, 3rd and 4th year students of the department, as part of dual training, will undergo the practical part of classes on:

1. “KazEkoanalitika” LLP;

2. State Enterprise “Almaty Su”;

3. “Green Bridge” LLP (Astana).


Most students of the Department of CPIE after graduating from the university remain to work at the enterprises of our partners, which indicates the trinity of education, science and production, the thoughtfulness of the educational programs of the department and the competitiveness of graduates.

Our famous alumni:

• Shagambaev Duman, Master of Technical Sciences, Deputy Technical Director - Head of Service Department of “ProgressKazEngineering” LLP;

• Marat Saktaganov – Head of the laboratory and analytical control department of the Russian State Institution “Department of Ecology for the city of Almaty of the Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;

• Tazabekov Aset – Director of “Renaissance Plus” LLP, Director of the Representative Office of the Kazakhstan Chamber of Environmental Auditors in Almaty and the Almaty region;

• Turdybakiev Rasul Tursunzhanovich – Head of the waste regulation department of “KAPE” LLP;

• Razgaziev Kanat Erlanovich - Head of the information technology department of the RSE "Kazhydromet", branch in the city of Almaty and Almaty region.



Sholpan Kubekova
Head of Department
MAB 1003

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