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Management of public procurement

The General situation

The Public Procurement Department (hereinafter referred to as the USP) is a structural subdivision of the NJSC Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev (hereinafter referred to as the NJSC KazNITU).

The Public Procurement Department is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed by the order of the Chairman of the Board - Rector of NJSC "KazNITU". In its activities, UGZ is subordinate to the member of the Management Board, Vice-Rector for Corporate Development and Strategic Planning of NJSC KazNITU. The PPO is a structural unit responsible for the implementation of procedures for organizing and conducting public procurement. In its activities, the UGZ is guided by:

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On public procurement"; The Charter of NJSC "KazNITU"; Policy and Objectives of NJSC "KazNITU" in the field of quality; The quality manual of NJSC "KazNITU" and other normative documents of the quality management system (QMS) of the university; orders and instructions for NJSC "KazNITU"; by these Regulations and other normative documents of NJSC "KazNITU".


Main goals

The Public Procurement Department in its activities carries out:

- development and approval of the annual public procurement plan (preliminary annual public procurement plan);

- selection of a supplier and the conclusion of a public procurement contract with him, in accordance with the methods of public procurement provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on public procurement;

- execution of the public procurement contract.

The implementation of public procurement is mainly based on the principles:

- optimal and efficient spending of money used for public procurement;

- providing potential suppliers with equal opportunities to participate in the public procurement procedure;

- openness and transparency of the public procurement process;

- fair competition among potential suppliers;

- providing support to domestic producers of goods, as well as domestic suppliers of works and services;

- prevention of corruption manifestations;

- acquisition of innovative and high-tech goods, works, services.

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